Topic: Squad Window not updating HP levels

Don't have reproduction steps, will try to find them tonight.

Basic summary:
I invited 2 members to my squad, and after they moved from the terminal out into the field next to me, their hp/accum status listed them as "too far away", despite being right next to me. I logged out and back in and their bars displayed, but did not update when we started fighting mechs.

Re: Squad Window not updating HP levels

This is related to the nexus bug and has been apparently recreated and fixed for the next patch.
So with any luck fixing the nexus big will fix the radar, view range and health meters.

Re: Squad Window not updating HP levels

Alexander wrote:

This is related to the nexus bug and has been apparently recreated and fixed for the next patch.
So with any luck fixing the nexus big will fix the radar, view range and health meters.

This is correct, it's not the nexus modules that are bugged, but squad forming and invitations, which also affects every squad related parameter.

Re: Squad Window not updating HP levels
