Topic: Need more details on storagelog entrys

Would be nice to have two more columns.

"Health" and "Source"

Basically because i need to know if someone move something from another corp storage or from its private storage and how much health it has.

So instead of:

"Date","Performing Agent","Operation","Subject","Quantity"
"2212-03-28 14:12:59","Gordon Gekko","Add item","Standard kinetic armor","1"
"2212-03-28 14:13:59","Gordon Gekko","Add item","Standard kinetic armor","1"
"2212-03-28 05:43:18","Gordon Gekko","Clear log","",""

it should look like:

"Date","Performing Agent","Operation","Source","Subject","Quantity","Health"
"2212-03-28 14:12:59","Gordon Gekko","Add item","Garbage folder","Standard kinetic armor","1","63%"
"2212-03-28 14:13:59","Gordon Gekko","Add item","Private storage","Standard kinetic armor","1","100%"
"2212-03-28 05:43:18","Gordon Gekko","Clear log","",""

Re: Need more details on storagelog entrys

Currently the logs don't include the fittings on a robot either. It's hard to map any sort of pattern with the current system so finding anomalies is very hard but at least the feature is there.

A new logging system would be nice that mapped the general comings and goings of a folder. I'd much rather see a delta breakdown for each day.
E.g. [date], [item], [quantity], [delta]

Clicking one of these logs would then bring up detailed list of who took and placed the item type in question and their quantity. It would be nice if the logs also included items fitted on robots so that if you wanted to see how many mining lasers had been removed you can see in the detailed log an [equipped on] header.
E.g. "2212-03-29 02:58", "Alexander", "-4", "Termis"

It's possible to make a program generate this from the logs but would require complete logs which can be cleared or deleted. A built in feature like this would be great for tracking modules and for larger corporations scaling production to replaced items in demand.

The Game

Re: Need more details on storagelog entrys

No you dont need complete logs for that wink
Why would someone have the permission to clean storage logs if you dont want him todo that?

Right now im doing all of the things you suggested with just the csv files the game provides and its working great.
All it needs atm is health and source. Because i need to know if a item is damaged or not and where it came from.