Topic: Enclave supports account selling despite EULA

e: [PERPETUUM ONLINE] Do you need another account?
by xxxxxxxxxxx on 27 Feb 2011 11:09 pm
"Get a head start service"

If you've ever played EVE Online, you will soon find that it takes a lot of time to multi-spec a character, as our skills are gained through on-and-offline time accrual. 1 earth minute=1 EP gained. A single account shares the EP pool to split between the 1-3 characters that are on it. So people will create a second or third account to be the best at each specific duty, (combat, mining, harvesting, economy....)

Don't forget, you save more EP in the long-run if you max your attributes towards whatever you want to do with that character. You can use your 1st account or the Perpetuum Planner to get an idea of which extensions benefit from which attributes, but basically:

Combat- tactics and mechatronics
Miner/producer- heavy industry and research and development
Logistics/Marketing- politics and economics

This is a service I'm offering to corp members only. Some will find just having a fully spec'd combat or miner can get boring and having another account would help them out. So I came up with this... I'm currently keeping extra accounts running in circulation. The account is paid for up front and no new characters are created on it. After the account is made, and the subscription code is submitted, the EP starts ticking away. (Yes, the EP counter starts as soon as the subscription code is submitted, even if no characters are made.)

The first account transfer started off with over 54,000 EP.
2nd 46k+
3rd 40k+

I want to make no profit off this, and the only cost is exactly however much was spent building the account plus $0.99 that paypal charges for receiving payment.

Currently Perpetuum charges:
30 days- $9.95
90 days- $23.95
180 days- $41.95
365 days- $71.95

After I receive the transfer through paypal, I'll give you the email address, the email password, and the perpetuum password. Make sure you change the passwords and the verification email/question from the ones I've set.

The oldest accounts in running were started:
02/12/2011 3:32pm EST
02/12/2011 11:36pm EST

Any further questions PM in-game @ xxxxxxxx, and if I'm not online send me an in-game mail to either of those guys or leave a message here on the forum.

I try to keep it first come-first serve to avoid the accounts running over multiple subscriptions, but I'll save a request for an account transfer for a day.

*Edit* Personal information removed. - DEV Calvin

Re: Enclave supports account selling despite EULA

*** them.

Re: Enclave supports account selling despite EULA

To be precise:

"It is forbidden to trade or sell Perpetuum accounts, in-game items, characters, money, etc in any way outside the game. In this case both the seller and the buyer can be punished by AC (Avatar Creations)."

Please consider your actions accordingly.

Please report such incidents directly to our GM team, rather than open forums. Topic closed.