1 (edited by Shorty 2011-01-29 14:15:08)

Topic: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

Edit: I have since been informed that you can only equip 1 e mod at a time, and that it is a doc error that the description does not say this.


This has not become a problem yet, but it's only a matter of a couple weeks at most.

The problem deals with the 2.75 hit size of cameleons and intakts, combined with the recent nexus buffs, and compounded by both the fact that evasion is in m^2 and not %, as well as the fact that bots can equip more than one evasive module.

This is especially true for the intakt, as this is further reinforced by naturally high resists.

In short, with T4 gear, you can make intakts have 0.1m surface area.  This is accomplished with 2x T4 proto evasive mods, and a dedicated nexus holder running in your pack with a T4 evasive nex and 10 exts. (75 days to learn at L 9 by 42 days.)

(2 x 1.05) + (.25 +(10 x .03)) = 2.65;   2.75 =2.65 = 0.1

Also, while your speed will not be great, your HP will be better than an LWF intakt, making getting over 1000 with mechanics easy.

That might not sound like much, but the lowest possible hit dispersion that I know of is 3 x0.7 = 2.1.  This would mean that 10 levels of precision and a laser would hit you ~ 1 out of every 21 shots... and then do to your resists, do about 50% normal damage.

Combine this will a slightly eclectic fit like 2x T4 em guns (200% base dmg, easy to fit, even with the e mods), +nav 10 and a velocity nex somewhwre in the pack, and your speed will be ~ 70. (if not a bit faster.) 

If you can manage to fit a couple T4 mag tuners on you would be doing ~ as much dps as a "speed" arby equipped with T2 proto guns.

Except you would not be able to die... Assuming 1000HP after mechanics

Dispersion (Explosion size) of 10.0 : 1% hit (damage) rate, 33-66% damage abatement from resists after that. 150-300k effective HP

Dispersion (Explosion size) of 5.0 : 2% hit (damage) rate, 33-66% damage abatement from resists after that. 75k-150k effective HP

Dispersion (Explosion size) of 2.5 : 4% hit (damage) rate, 33-66% damage abatement from resists after that. 37.5k-75k effective HP

I know this is probably an unintended consequence of the recent changes, but it probably should be fixed sooner rather than later.

Re: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

Unique module, can fit only 1

IIRC the minimum was something closer to ~1.7 something...

3 (edited by Shorty 2011-01-29 13:54:58)

Re: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

Siddy wrote:

Unique module, can fit only 1

IIRC the minimum was something closer to ~1.7 something...

They are not called out as unique, and the are passive, and reefpirate told me definitively you can fit more than one, so unless something has changed w/o docs...

Edit: and even with only 1, with the new nexus values it would be 1.15. But, as I said, it does not say only one per bot, and I have been told otherwise by an active intakt pvp'er

Re: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

Reefpirate lied

5 (edited by Shorty 2011-01-29 13:58:42)

Re: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

Geoscanners, LWF's, and demobs all have bold banners at the top of their description saying  "Only one of these can be equipped on a robot!!!"

Are you saying the put a restriction on and forgot that?

EDIT: If so this should be filed as a bug.

6 (edited by Annihilator 2011-01-29 14:01:17)

Re: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

easy to fix.

and true, you can fit only one

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Documentaion Bug - Surface Hit Size Problem at 0.1m?

So, then, the minimum size would be 1.15... Which is still tiny, but not exploitative so...