Topic: Missile launcher accu use bugged

Confirmed this with atleast Standard medium launchers in Tyrannos

Information says launcher should use 2 accu per cycle, but they actually use twice that ( 4 ).

Capped myself out and let the accu regen to 12 and fired a full volley. As Tyrannos has 4 launchers, it should use 8 accu and all should fire. Reality is, all 12 accu was used and only 3 launchers fired.

Same thing again after letting accu regen to 4 and firing again, expected 2 launchers firing, only 1 did.

2 (edited by Alexander 2011-01-09 12:39:55)

Re: Missile launcher accu use bugged

I've noticed this on a lot of module. Same with lasers it would seem.
Never cared much about it to report it though.
It may have something to do with desync between the client and server.

The Game

Re: Missile launcher accu use bugged

It also round the numbers up sometimes.  That "4" may have been 3.8.  Wait until you have 5 accumulator and see if 2 fire.

->You just lost The Game<-