Topic: Castel needs industrial slots

Noticed today that syn-tec modules are no longer seeded on the market.

This is bad for the following scenario:

Pelistal robots can not fit miner modules (no industrial slots on the Castel).
This means that if you are a pelistal pilot, you have to mine with an Arkhe. This was previously no problem because you could fit standard miner modules onto an Arkhe.

However with the CPU change to force Arkhes to only use syn-tec modules pelistal pilots can no longer mine due to syn-tec modules no longer able to be bought off the market for reasonable prices. (At the time of writing, syn-tec miners were 5x the cost of standard miners.)

Note that both the Yagel and the Prometheus have 2 industrial slots, whereas the Castel has 0.

Re: Castel needs industrial slots

Arkhe Mk2?

A industry speced toon with no EP spent can use an Argayno.

John 3:16 - Timothy 2:23

Re: Castel needs industrial slots

And my sequer can't fit 5 lasers like the other assaults, what the hell is up with that?

Re: Castel needs industrial slots

CoyoteTheClever wrote:

And my sequer can't fit 5 lasers like the other assaults, what the hell is up with that?

Yeah, what gives with that?

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Castel needs industrial slots

Actually no idea why the syn-tec stuff disappeared, but they are back now.