Hmm how about you recive a stack of Ressources in your home base instead of NIC ? Mecs you can buy infinitly from NPC Corps are excluded ofc. You trade Mats for Mats now and get less than spend. I guess thats really uncomfortable for a fast replacement but NIC will not overflow the market.


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)

That would be awesome (g19) cool

Regarding the "Join the Blob or Leave Comment"

Im afraid some mates of me do exactly that, leaving since joining the blob seem unreasonable for them. Im Pretty sure having 3 or 4 Big Powerhouses that dominate everything and clash each other can bring lots of fun and make it easy but most people i know want their private minni communitys they call proudly 2-5 man corporations with their individual rules and codex.

For this guys regular income on beta is off limits because they are weak and they wont join the biggies. They go in for roaming fun and some fun resource gathering op with possible pvp but they need some backbone on alpha to backup losses. As new Player Ammo costs eat your Rewards on alpha. My Mates *** about endless grinding for some pvp fun and are leaving. The Kernel price reduction broke motivation complete down and they just go back to eve sad QQ !

So join blob or leave is kinda describing what shun off new players from resubbing.
To get a good market with cheap stuff inside we need more players. But i dont see this happen very soon.


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)

Ive just recognized that Perpetuum need an (for an non fps mmorpg) awfully lot of Bandwidth >70 kb/s+++

How comes? Can Mass battles even work some day when every Participant produce that much data ?


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

i hate to barge in but Darkfa(i)ll serves as good example what happen to games that focus on pvp content only. Its a Paradise for all the Iron Man, Hardcore Ganking PvP Addicts yet its EMPTY.

All Suggestions that demand Carebears have forced to pvp at some point to progress are doomed to fail Perpetuum on long Terms. Even if we take a short look to Eve online we see that the overhelming majority of Players reside in Highsec. Pvp and Pve only Players can co exist, they will never meet and that means less targets but they fuel the economy make it cheaper and pay the server bills too so Perpetuum stays alive.

And when the Bears wine a few Months after Launch about they dont know what else to skill thats a serious issue ...