Player Base is small ? I agree
Advertising to get more People into the game ? NOP it wont work!

With the launch of Perpetuum there was a huge attention phase where thousands of People checked it out. They DID NOT stay, so what make the TE think it will be different if a second huge wave of new Player enters Perpetuum in its current state ?

Best Devs can do is vieving PE as payed Beta status and imho they should focus on carebear stuff. The wolves can not survive if there arn't enough sheeps. The carebears are the most important rig in the food chain and they will create the player market in order to get their blingbling +5 Mecs.

Advert for Perpetuum in its current state is futile. Create a safe and lucrative enviroment for the carebear BASE, make it fun to stay here without going to beta ever,  and leave the beta islands for the epeen Gamers.

We need all kind of players or the sandbox can not work.


(1 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Do you guys wanna kill my ears or what ? All sounds after Patch was set to 100% and i had Headphones on. Make sure this never ever happen again, you can cause ear damage this way and you dont want be sued for this dont you ?




Typical Thoughts of a new Player

Here i am, oh lets do the Tutorial. Hmm ok Move here, kill this deliver this what i have to do mining fu ... ok lets do it, more killing whoa new bot. Ok now that i know the roots lets get some serious guns and blow up stuff. OH WTF ammo is expensive ! Whatever lets buy 1k, ok im broke but i will blow up stuff and get it back in no time. *Running to next red dots that arnt trainings mission drones* Targeting ..... *yawn* still more targeting hmm i need to fit the handy module i got from the turorial next time ... more targeting *LOCK* Hitting Space for great justice zooom zoooom bling bling BOOM , *looting* Repeating with retreats and repairs while tabbing out and reading forums.

Yeah mission done killed 10 bots woho 27k nic richer (3k went to noob corp)  and my 1337 Loot woho. Back to base , selling OH WAIT i dont have more monney than before !!! Well ok a tiny bit but not much. It will take me forever to get that new bot QQ , perperuum is boring.

Oh wait someone said transport missions are good , trying it out making monney but Booooooring, Braindeath. Afk mining brings monney well..... NO WAY !

Well tbh PO reward braindeath activitys with no real expenses more than active PVE at the beginning. Raise Kernel Prices again for the lower Bots that Newbies hunt in their first month. Leave the rest as it is or make ammo cheap.

That would a Start