(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well at least it's letting me download the client


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well at least it's letting me download the client


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Looks like it's coming up now.

Yeah the boot.ini one was good times. Found out how many people I worked with played that game at work when they called me to come fix their pc's lol.

Always good to have a few lemmin..err eager people download and install patches first to test drive it smile


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm all for the DEVs taking their time and doing thing properly. We don't need the patch removing vital OS files just cause they rushed to pacify a few impatients. Taking time to do things right the first time means less work fixing it in the future which hopefully means more time to work on additional content.

I'm all for blogs though, explaining what is being done/planned, maybe putting some details into why things are done or not done may help some understand that something that seems simple to them to change is alot more complicated when it comes to programming and implementation.

If people can't tolerate taking 10-20 minutes to travel somewhere then I think the A.D.D. meds need to be increased. You could travel from most current places to most other points in that much time. What your driving and how your fit obviously plays a big part in travel time. If you don't like your heavy plated mech's speed, fit light and carry  mods in your cargo.

Not a bad point Ral, except that they all die, only the occasional one manages to leave their friends behind and save themselves.

I'm not blaming anyone who coming to roam with t1/t2 gear, I wouldn't want to risk expensive stuff and lose it on a regular basis ethier. I'm just pointing out that you obviously don't need T4 gear to come roam. Specially at 3 am when very few are around.

Lack of T4 isn't the sole reason someone would lose a fight, it's not going to tip the balance that much. Player experiance and skill make a huge difference in this game which is one of the best things it has over Eve.

When you guys come here, most of you fit T1 and some T2. Sometimes the occasional T3 frame will show up from time to time. So the guys you typically get fights with only need T1/T2 to fit equal to your roamers. No doubt you would rather those lone miners or lone inexperianced combat bots fit T4.

People need to play smarter not harder.


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nice bit of reading, hope there is more incoming smile


(77 replies, posted in Open discussion)

I spent about 5 years playing Eve, spent some time in Evol with BOB then IT. Last stint was in The Initiative. Had some great times there but Eve has just gotten so stale for the 0.0 players. Number of bots has gotten pretty out of control as well.