The very fact that this thread has become as long as it is already I think demonstrates that there is an issue here. I want to add my two cents as a long-time player, I believe that ewar is slightly op vs mechs in that either the ewar mods themselves are too effective vs the large bots, or in that the large bots cannot shoot the small ones (or both)--not however, in speed. ewar speed is fine, mech speed is fine. I never played eve, but would expect that there is something to prevent a single interceptor (as you have likened ewar too) from being able to completely shut down a titan using ewar modules. I would suggest that the devs consider further reducing the effectiveness of small bot's use of ewar against larger objects--both for the sake of ewar vs mech balance and to increase the significance and usage of ewar mechs. The other option that I think is most viable is to make the ewar's hit size back to where it was pre-nerf (or maybe even slightly larger). IMHO three well-skilled mechs should be able to take on at least 6 ewar easily. ATM those ewar would have a challenge, but could easily bring down the mechs if played correctly, even better if it were 5 ewar 1 light. I think Alf does a great job of keeping the game in balance such that every bot will always have its role. I think a little boost to the effectiveness of the mech-class bots would be very useful across the board and to the successfulness of the game.

One further thought, people need to keep in mind that this game is still very young. Mechs will become the bread-and-butter of most people in engagements. They really don't take very long to use decently, nor are they particularly expensive to make and replace. Balance must be achieved keeping in mind that there will be more--bigger and more time intensive--bots to come in the future. Right now a heavy mech is a 3-4 month investment to utilize well--what does that compare to in eve? Heavies will always be relatively rare because they start to become expensive but they are still replaceable, especially with insurance (if it comes back). The big, hard to get into, rewarding, "i'm a badass" stuff is still to come--heck heavy weapons arn't even implemented yet. All balance discussion ought to keep this in mind.