So, I guess I'm new by Perpetuum standards. I'm currently working on relations and pouring EP into production. I'm mostly production specced. I'm good enough to drive industrial mechs and mine some, but I consider myself industrial first, and a gatherer second. I hope to branch out to prototyping eventually, but I'm not dumb enough to spread myself too thin just yet.

What I'm looking for from a corp is freedom to spend my EP as I see fit, a sane tax rate, and access to beta. I have no problem contributing to the war effort either through gratis use of my production capacity, raw materials, or whatever else, but please accept that I'm not going to subscribe a second account to run around in an Intakt going pew pew at sequers.

Anything beyond that is just gravy. I'm not looking for handouts or handholding. Just a cause, and a way to get off of alpha prison.

Don't mind my current corp, it's just a placeholder a friend of mine made for her alts.