I always felt that the defenders were given the advantage, but I guess it all depends on your perspective.  Either way, doing what I like to do is now very difficult, and I don't see that many people trying it anymore.  Either I'm in a very small minority, or something has caused people to stop doing it.

Syndic wrote:

The detector & masking modules are basically what "shrinked" the Beta territories. Instead of roaming an island checking every nook and cranny for people, you just run a few Castels with detectors in ~2k bubbles up and down the island for 5-10 mins, if they spot something converge and destroy, if not move on to another island.

Exactly, and my personal opinion is that this adversely affects small scale PvP, as well as hindering the new Corps trying to push out onto beta.  They just can't absorb loses like the older established Corps, and it becomes very difficult to hide.

Hugh Ruka wrote:

now I am confused as to what you are refering to ... care to quote posts you are comenting on in the future ?


Annihilator wrote:

i was told a "you are seen" icon is not necessary... learn to play and memorize all possible detection ranges of bots you cannot even see wink

Vaelen Gar wrote:

I'll have to respectfully disagree with that as a solution.

It wouldn't be optimal, but I'd take that any day over the current situation.

I'll have to respectfully disagree with that as a solution.

Lemon wrote:

Have no fear, i learned the hard way Nex/F-navy can field near 20 in there prime time.

And when that happens, I'll be there (if I'm undetected) trying to make a nuisance of myself smile

So many edits to get a damn smiley face right...

Completely agree with you on fast ill thought out fixes.  I'm certainly not asking for it to be done tomorrow, just that it be something the Dev's consider.  For now I'll keep collecting the treadmarks on my chest and hoping for the best.....

Lemon wrote:

Im was just saying....

That comment wasn't aimed at you, you posted while I was typing.  My edit above was in response to your post.

I just have no idea where that came from.  Beta holders need the ability to defend themselves, but small groups should have the ability to roam.  A small group can be a nuisance, but can't really threaten a Beta Alliance's security.

Edit - Good points Lemon, but at this point I always run less then 20, by a lot, and I'm far from casual.  For myself I'm not asking that the game be balanced around my small group playstyle, just for the ability to do it.  As it is now, when I set foot on beta to a strong degree my survival depends on the luck of not blundering into a detector that I can't counter detect.  That doesn't sit very well with me.

0110011100001111001010001 wrote:


A game that caters to ONE type of play style....

Yea that seems just like a sand box to me....really sandy...like a beach...full of single beach chairs.

I don't see it that way at all.  Nothing is stopping people from doing what they want.  There is just a mechanism for small groups to avoid large groups, or is large groups rolling over small groups something that you approve of?

That's a very interesting idea, which I like a lot.

Edit - and the more I think about it, the more I like it.  Even for small groups, it would pay to spread out a bit, and larger groups would have to spread out a lot.

Everything you say is of course true, but overcoming a 3000m range detector bot is not an easy thing.  Plus, you have no way of knowing when you’re detected or not.  If there was a detector detector mod I’d probably call it even, but you can still be monitored from obscene distances and not know it until a group comes in from all points of the compass.

While I would certainly welcome your ideas into the game Sundial, my own feeling is to nerf detectors and maskers into the ground.  If I had my way, detectors and maskers would be:


After that, each level of detection or masking skill adds 10m, for a total of 200m max.  That would still be an enormous advantage in PvP.

This would make them tactical devices, and not an all encompassing Star Wars Defense shield.

Trap Card wrote:

What's your definition of blob?

I said in an earlier post that "blob" is a relative value, and because of that I try not to use the term much.  However, if I go into a fight and end up outnumbered more then two to one, I confess that it makes me feel "blobbed".

Sundial wrote:

Yeah.. the problem is finding a good ballance between attack and defense. If its too easy to defend, people blob up. If its too easy to attack, its not worth living on beta.

For the record though Sundial, and speaking only for myself, if I come onto your island I don't expect you to give me fair fights, though I certainly appreciate it when you do.  It's your island after all, and entertaining me isn't necessarily your priority.  I'm getting on a bit of a soap box here, but I just feel that detectors have given the defenders too much of an edge.

There was never a “pirate” game like in Eve, but small group raiding was once pretty common.  Now it isn’t.

Edit – The origination of the term “pirate” in this game as far as I know, and if I’m wrong I welcome correction, was coined in a post on these very forums from a member of M2S.  After ECORP had been ejected from Koykili by the combined efforts of Southern Dom and Infestation, the dedicated PvP people from the former Northern Dom alliance started small group harassment of the corps still on Dom.  Amid much forum smack talk, a member of M2S made a post something like “Didn’t you get the memo?  ECORP is the new cool pirate Corp”, or something like that.  That’s the first time I remember “pirate” being mentioned.

2nd Edit - or at least mentioned and sticking.

So long as there are multiple gates in, with decent spacing, a determined raiding force will get in.  Myself and many others proved this many times over. 

The way things are now with detector bots, we stand little chance of roaming a defended island, and the raiding “pirate” game is very dead.  That, imo, causes (edit-I should say is one of the causes) people to blob up, and is partially responsible for the situation we have.

You can break through gates, keeping eyes on them isn’t the end all be all.  To open a different can of worms, I blame detectors and maskers for many of the small scale PvP woes the game is having, but that’s a different issue….

I've gotten some very cool sh*t out of you lately Mara, and all of Hok.

Props to you for it.

Edit - GREAT post Sundial, I thank you for making it.

Sundial wrote:

Also Valens castel is nasty big_smile

I have a lot of fun in that little badboy smile

Anyways, I'm not here to name names or call anyone out.  I've seen what I consider complete BS from every major Corp, and also gotten some very cool small scale stuff from just about all of them.  Everyone has to play their own game, but I think most will agree that grinding new corps like Nex, Foom, or FC out of the game just to get some quick cheap kills is a bit short sighted. 

Give them some good small light/assault fights.  Tone down the fits a bit, and if they do win so what?  If you get run over by another large roaming group, again, so what?  I have permanent treadmarks on me I've been run over so many times, but I bet I've also had more great 1v1's then most people on the server in the past month.

By the way Sundial, after my last fantastic 1v1 with Xelobain, you can let him know that he now completely scares me.....

The blob absolutely works, and when manned by competent players will not easily be pulled apart. 

Blob is also a relative value.  I’m finding it a bit lame when newer Corps are getting roamed by heavy groups numbering in double digits.


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

My memory has gotten a bit fuzzy, but if I’m recalling correctly we learned on launch day that manipulating EP can be a tricky proposition.  Best to leave that sleeping bear be.

I don’t know exactly how to say what I’m thinking about this, but I’ll give it a go.

I feel like people are in a way trying too hard and over thinking to much in this game.  It’s a PvP centric robot themed game, so running around in robots PvPing is what I’ve been doing, having a great time.  Since the day the Dom civil war kicked off right through this morning I’ve been out every day blowing people up & getting blown up, and it’s been incredibly fun.  You don’t need mechs or T3-4 gear. I’ve been doing it for the most part in ghetto fit light bots, typically with one to three friends.  With a mining alt I can sustain this indefinitely. 

I’ve seen a large drop off in PvP the past few days which I’ve written off to people being unwilling to risk uninsured bots, and I don’t completely get it.  Leave the mech in a station if you don’t want to take that kind of a loss, but get out there in a light or maybe an assault and have some fun.  People not participating will have a far more detrimental effect on the game than anything I’ve seen the Dev’s do up to this point.