It would be awesome if they would make it so more then one person can invite to a squad at one time smile

Nothing is impossible.

Please make this happen devs!

Best Idea Ever!

Yarren Rakarth wrote:

Obviusly you Fail see the big picture. Sandbox games are all players in same game world not same corporation. understand ?... doh..

Hm I see the big picture.

All M2S wants is to be the big boys on the block...and no one else.

Cir starts moving ahead and your trying any means to take there alliance out.

Have fun smile

I will get my popcorn ready

This is very ironic that you would post this only after you get defeated by a larger force....

(In last nights case CIR from what I understand)

Oh and a better idea is to just take the sandbox aspect out of the game, corporations too.

That way its just a massive free for all smile

Dark Omega wrote:

I'm all for the DEVs taking their time and doing thing properly. We don't need the patch removing vital OS files just cause they rushed to pacify a few impatients. Taking time to do things right the first time means less work fixing it in the future which hopefully means more time to work on additional content.

I'm all for blogs though, explaining what is being done/planned, maybe putting some details into why things are done or not done may help some understand that something that seems simple to them to change is alot more complicated when it comes to programming and implementation.


Do it right...get it right the first time!


(6 replies, posted in Buying Items)

Ok I would like to put this thread behind me...

My final offer is 173.1k a piece.

Also I forgot to mention that they MUST BE ON BETA PERIOD...


Thank you for your time.


(6 replies, posted in Buying Items)

I will buy 100 of those for 172K a piece.

Please get in contact with myself to get arrangements made.

Thank your for you time.

(Btw there are several up on internal markets atm for 500k each)


(6 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I fail to see how there isn't a different calculation for each one as going from....

T1 Fast Extractor AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.67 %
T1 Recharger AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.90 %

a difference of 0.23 doesn't seem to be a rounding issue, it seems to be a calculation issue.


(6 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Those were all displayed numbers...been working backward to find a calculation that works for both but it seems to be like what Alexander said...there all different sad

I would like to see a system that there all using the same formula and not adding positive numbers to negative numbers.

I noticed today that with the T1 Fast Extractor and the T1 Recharger with extension lvl 5 for both you get different outcomes.

T1 Fast Extractor AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.67 %
T1 Recharger AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.90 %

Shouldn't these be the same as there the same per extension lvl (1 Percent) and there the same base module percent (2 percent)



(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Seems that a few spawns are missing or moved...was this intentional?
As I see nothing about it in the patch notes.
Really made me a sad panda when I went to farm but there was nothing there sad

I suggest that the short and long range variants of all the medium, and possibly, the "newer" larger weapons have different skins for each of there ranges.
(Short and Long Range Missiles being the exception)

This will not only look awesome but it will aid in PvP as then you can visually see what your opponent has on.

Its not a big priority but a suggestion none the less.