(40 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

"Isnt this game just EvE with mechs?  Srsly, they must have just copied the source code and added the ground in.  The Devs have no creativity and should be burned at the stake, but not before CCP sues them to get the money AC stole from their potential audience!"

"But, most of the Devs have never even seen stEVE, and a lot of the mechanics and UI came out the same because thats just the best way to do it.  Great minds think alike!"

"Even if they did take some 'inspirations' from eve, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  They should embrace the likeness of the two games and use it to their advantage!"

Which viewpoint will reign supreme?  Only YOUR flames stand between public ridicule and popular opinion!

None of the above.  This game shares none of the source code with EVE, so there is no legal grounds for CCP to sue.  I have no doubt the developers of Perpetuum have played EVE for years and are intimately familiar with it's flaws and virtues.  It has taken more than inspiration from EVE, and in the process has improved on the gameplay significantly.  This game stands on EVE shoulders.  We are talking Progress with the capital 'P'.