Hey, I am new to the game. Looking for a good corp to take care of me.
I am pure combat, interested in pvp and pve.

Here is my PingPlotter results.

I am in New Zealand. My IP is Telstra. I am on a 15Mb/s (1.5MB/s) connection.
My ping usually sits between 360-400 but often jumps up to 500-600.

The rubber banding wont stop.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just bought the game. Looks good. I can understand it being a new game, that it may lack polish. That ok with me though, as long as the devs don't give up.

Devs seem good here too, see them posting on the forums and I have heard they make regular apparences in game. That is cool smile

Also, who doesn't love those dedicated forum trolls smile


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Is this game worth getting into? Am I too far behind to start now, or is it all good? Do I need to craft? I am not one for crafting, so can I play this without ever having to touch it?
