serenekaos wrote:

Your original post says nothing about hunting a spawn alone or what kind of missions they are.

Which means you are either back-pedaling because you know you're in the wrong or you are just completely contradicting yourself and proving your ignorance.....

I would suggest you attempt reading the ENTIRE thread before spouting off.

You only entered mid-conversation here, bro.

Also, telling me not to respond here? lol much? My issue is exactly on topic with this, because when you drop tags down to 1, I can no longer efficiently manage my spawn as mentioned above.

And as you agreed, it's not an issue once you get out of the noob spawns, so the issue here lays with those spawns, not with the tagging system.

serenekaos wrote:
Relandi wrote:
Azhuire wrote:

I can't help but feel that you are abusing this particular feature for your own profit and/or doing so to the detriment of others.

You're damn right I fire on more than 1 target, but as I've repeatedly said, the spawns I hunt at have no one else at them.

This is called being efficient.

Spreading DPS across 3 targets is efficient? hmm

Certainly is when the AI enjoys going for long sprints on the beach away from you.

Though, I suppose only fighting drones you're unaware of this.

Azhuire wrote:

I can't help but feel that you are abusing this particular feature for your own profit and/or doing so to the detriment of others.

You're damn right I fire on more than 1 target, but as I've repeatedly said, the spawns I hunt at have no one else at them.

This is called being efficient.

Oh lawdy.

STILL trying to get this changed?


In the time it took you guys to whine this thread onto page two, you could have been long past any hunting spots that have "taggers".

Also - at the guy above saying you can't target more than 1 bot effectively - you, sir, are poor at multitasking and micromanaging.

I have 0 problem firing 2 missile launchers a piece on 3 targets each from my Waspish - and I can even step that up further and use my 4th target with my energy drainer to keep my acc up.

You're not looking at the full picture - you're wanting an immediate fix to a non-lasting issue.

(I know I said I was done here, but the sheer 'broken record' loop of this topic is beyond frustration.)

Hells to the yeah.


(However low priority!)

I came.

I saw.

I agreed.

I have to wonder how much you're even reading before you're spewing out blocks of text with little to no point to them. I get it, you want it fixed for you, now.

To be honest, both ways don't affect me. My issue is; To see a game toted as a sandbox, then see them turn around and start restricting gameplay, would be absolutely contrary to their vision. I doubt it will happen.

The above mention of dropping tag timer down to 10 seconds, would be ample. This does not restrict the player from maintaining targets if they can - but allows a window for people like you who seem to have issues catching a break.

I've made my points, power to you and your continued fight for an "easy" button.

This has been easily avoided by hundreds of others, you seem to be the only one wanting it changed.

Just sayin' there are facets of gameplay within the game that allow you to adjust, and deal with said issue. No developer intervention is needed, this is a sandbox - not a game for hand holding.

There is no reason to limit "tags" when there's already a limit on amount of targets locked, pretty simple to me.

Really - if you add this, I'll just bring out my alt account and use both to tag. This will still be an issue, but now only the people who paid for spare accounts can abuse it.. seems like a *** option to me.

Also, the AI I spoke of, you clearly do not know about, because it happens regardless of "kiting" (lol, kiting..). As well, the higher tier mobs I am killing ARE indeed for a quest, within a timeframe.

Again, heed your own words. You are not everyone.

Likewise - you being unable to lock and tag is YOUR problem.

Get in a squad and control tags that way, use your own advice.

I spent the points to avoid just this issue, and I'm all the better for it, and long past any assignments that have "taggers" sitting at them. I'd suggest you do the same, rather than asking for a "gimme now" fix.

Also, the bizzare AI I spoke about happens regardless of if you're in a squad or not, so your advice there is moot. Squad or not, you don't wade into the middle of an E-War spawn.

I am NOT for placing faux restrictions on people that could be avoided by a) finding a different spot (you don't NEED to do that mission that 10 others are doing.) b) upping your locking or c) try again later..

This just seems like someone's upset and wants a superficial change to make it easier.

Nothing needs to be changed - bots/mechs have a limit on targets locked.

I also strongly agree with Alexanders point about solo farming.. higher tier mobs have a very bizzare AI structure .. and they like to sprint like they just stole something back to the middle of the group very often - causing agony for this "1 tag" method.


(8 replies, posted in Balancing)

Steeldragonz wrote:

And so this post is productive and not just a *** about alf's nerfs. Alf instead of the essentially 12.5% difference in explosion size [on smalls 3.5m -4m][cant remember large]. how about 3.75m so its only 6.25% difference. OR a relative increase in the range or damage of the sonics.

Thx for your thoughts on this suggestion ALF.

Yes please, I miss my sonics.. they're pretty useless now.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh, oh!

Me too!