Savin wrote:

Now, as for the rest, how does denying you the loot deny you the reward? Does it erase the victory from the leaderboards? Does it stop having potential implications regarding the influence of your alliance? As far as I know, these are the rewards of victory, and they appear not to be going away.

My problem with deleting cargo before dying is that the risk/reward seems out of balance to me. When you are on a pvp island for mining you know the risks, but the rewards of getting out with a cargo hold full of epitron could cover your loses after one trip in a light bot. The PvPer is risking his bot for the off chance that they can snag someone to fight and don't run into an overwhelming force on another alliance's home island. If the soon to be dead player deletes his cargo the PvPer is left with a 50% chance at looting whatever was equipped. Imagine having to track down that epic npc with the phat loots but after you kill it you are left with 50% chance of a standard level drop. The "Most Dangerous Agent" list was flawed until this last patch and I think it does make it a little better to get credit for real kills.

Personally I have not and will not dump my cargo because when I got blown up I know what I was risking going in and believe that the victor should be rewarded.