(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Server smoking?


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

personally, i feel the whole steam thing is a last gasp cash grab - but that's just me


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

so, no place to report this (assuming it isn't obvious)?


(88 replies, posted in General discussion)

kids these days - i swear
can't you read?

lets put this very simply

the PVPers got a SPECIAL rule created just for them because they cried loud and hard (not all of them of course as some of them seem to agree with this point, just the most whiney)

caps might help


now i don't mind (much) having my time stolen (yes my time which is represented by my cargo) since i'm on beta solo but i don't like the fact the powers that be have granted special dispensation here

there would be huge groaning and moaning all over alpha if this special rule was applied thoughout the game, therefore it should be removed

this was handled very poorly by the devs - very poorly


(88 replies, posted in General discussion)

Reefpirate wrote:

Yes. Excessive whining from this one...

Mr. River, why don't you just delete your cargo in the usually extended period of time it takes for us to get from 1000m to optimal weapon range or demob range? This should not be allowed either, IMO, but you have that opportunity.

having trouble with the whole reading thing?

"special rules for special people"

you either can or can't delete from cargo

unless of course along with that first shot magical fairy dust gets sprinkled about the bot - but only on beta of course - no magical fairy dust on alpha please

and thank-you Arga - - - exactly


(88 replies, posted in General discussion)

Bizmarkh wrote:
Indian River wrote:

half a silver platter as equipment isn't enough loot for you

of course you are ignoring the whole "special" rule thing

how about a tit for tat since you PVPers have been given a golden goose by god (Devs) how about us PVEers get one too

lets see, how about when we are in a mining bot, now mining bots only, mobs can target you but they can't hit so you can basically mine on top of them
that seems fair doesn't it?
no extra equipment required, just a "special" rule
just like the magical inability to delete from cargo

Ever played EVE? Ever played Darkfall? You couldn't just delete your equipment/cargo if you were going to die. Take your loss and accept the fact that you were outsmarted. It's common place in the "hardcore" MMO's for the reward of PvP to get your opponents loot. I don't see why you're so butt hurt over this. Don't get killed in the first place.

Secondly, your suggestion is stupid. So you want to be able to mine on the Beta islands for example with hostile mechs just ignoring you? Yeah because that completely removes risk v. reward out of the equation lol.

Seems like YOU want everything on a golden platter. And now that something that was in your favor, now is in no ones favor but the victor and you're angry about it. Get over it.

that means alpha to most - although i certainly like your idea of mining on beta risk free
and yes it is just a ridiculous suggestion just like the whining PVPers provided which was bought hook line and sinker by the developers
special rules for "special" people i guess
learn to actually read instead of skim if you are going to reply at all

your "outsmart" somment was hilarious

and yes, i did play EVE - i could jetison my cargo as i was warping from moon to moon or waypoint to waypoint during my hoped for escape

anyway, i'm sure these special rules for beta will continue
Perpetuum rating is now zero


(88 replies, posted in General discussion)

half a silver platter as equipment isn't enough loot for you

of course you are ignoring the whole "special" rule thing

how about a tit for tat since you PVPers have been given a golden goose by god (Devs) how about us PVEers get one too

lets see, how about when we are in a mining bot, now mining bots only, mobs can target you but they can't hit so you can basically mine on top of them
that seems fair doesn't it?
no extra equipment required, just a "special" rule
just like the magical inability to delete from cargo


(88 replies, posted in General discussion)

we now have "special" rules for the big bad crybaby PVPers just to
ensure they get their loot handed to them on a silver platter

i can make ajustments to my cargo whenever i want normally but by some
"miracle" once i'm attacked that ability vaporizes
what's next, purple flying unicorns?
rats carrying swords as loot?

instead of the "magical" inability to delete cargo once attacked why
shouldn't the attackers have to use a slot for equipment that prevents
the destruction of cargo?
because our big bad carebear PVPers would cry some more?