We should all meet up on one island one day, from what I've seen there are a good number of us but we are spread out smile

Nice to see some other Oceanic s playing, Unfortunately I'm already part of a corp that I Like but I might cya around in game on our time zone smile what island do you populate regularly?

Good luck with the recruiting xD


I'm all for them removing the kernal price but if they do they need to up the mission rewards significantly so combat characters PVE can sustain themselves with the missions.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Thanks Recognizer

I'm not very good at the old search smile

Removing them imo would do more harm than good at the games current economic stage, but I agree that lowering there infinite buy order price is essential to keep the market from being flooded with NIC

  • They need to work out the average cost for a player to kill a mob AT his/her robot type using the correct ammo
    Then work out how many mobs to complete an average mission at that lvl
    Then multiply the cost by the amount of mobs and you get your average cost per mission
    Then make the Kernal Infinite value so when you sell those average number of Kernal kills you get around 50% more than your cost to keep the player stabilized.

Currently when farming mobs with the same robot type I am getting around 200-250% profit from the kernal sales (player buy orders), so imo the infinite price needs to be dropped by 50%, this should create a good base for the player market to open up a wider variety of buy orders and also allow a PVE combat player to sustain themselves if they sell at infinite value