Relandi wrote:

Also, telling me not to respond here? lol much? My issue is exactly on topic with this, because when you drop tags down to 1, I can no longer efficiently manage my spawn as mentioned above.


Littlealex wrote:

Those who can -- do. Those who can't -- teach.

Basically you're saying that in order to compete everyone should use Pelistal bots.

Relandi wrote:

Oh lawdy.

STILL trying to get this changed?


In the time it took you guys to whine this thread onto page two, you could have been long past any hunting spots that have "taggers".

Also - at the guy above saying you can't target more than 1 bot effectively - you, sir, are poor at multitasking and micromanaging.

I have 0 problem firing 2 missile launchers a piece on 3 targets each from my Waspish - and I can even step that up further and use my 4th target with my energy drainer to keep my acc up.

You're not looking at the full picture - you're wanting an immediate fix to a non-lasting issue.

(I know I said I was done here, but the sheer 'broken record' loop of this topic is beyond frustration.)

If it's non-lasting, then why do you care if it's changed?

Again, recall that this wasn't like this for the entirety of beta.

It was a quick fix for complaints about loot going to deathblows.

And this is worse than that, in instances where people wish to tag everything.

Then there were the complaints about restrictions... when this is a restriction.

I can't help but feel that you are abusing this particular feature for your own profit and/or doing so to the detriment of others.

Doomviper wrote:

Why do care bears flock towards pvp games trying so hard to convert the game mechanics into carebear land ???

There are hundreds of pve only games to go cry about fairness. There is a reason there is competition for resources and a reason there are skills to increase locking speed. 

SERIOUSLY!!!!! Go away

What's fair about not being able to kill the person tagging all the mobs?

We're talking about Alpha island here.

Yes please change it to something from whatever it's supposed to be.

Chat bubble is a good idea.

Peach, you clearly don't understand the problem.  You 'understanding' mine and others frustration is not getting the point.  Also, they were jerks for tagging multiple bots each.  Remember, this entire tagging system came into effect as beta ended - it wasn't tested, it wasn't exploited, it wasn't fixed.  Why is it so heartily defended!?  Because it serves your self interest, I suppose, at the expense of others.

Zhyntil spelled it out quite well.  And others understand it, too.

It isn't about freedom.
It isn't about skills.
It isn't about dumbing down the game.
It isn't even about grouping.

It's about keeping people from being frustrated and just leaving - specifically for people who haven't played all through beta and are just starting on the Alpha islands.  The entire point of this suggestion is to reduce frustration.

You completely ignore the context with which that 'do it in a squad' comment was said - he complained about NEEDING to be able to tag multiple, difficult enemies while soloing, because the AI sent them back into (or past) a dangerous group.  That's not in any way related to this at all.

The pointer thingy would be graphical... it wouldn't be a server-side thing.  It'd simply be a ray that intersects terrain or an entity (robot, plant, building) - a graphic engine thing, not a server-side thing.

You wouldn't even need to make it visible to other players - it could be a virtual laser pointer or a different frequency or whatever.  It doesn't even have to be 100% reflective of the server's LOS rules - real life laser target things don't calculate for wind and debris, and they're not perfectly aligned to the bullet's firing angle, as they're usually off-center or several cm away.

This isn't about dumbing down the game so much as it is about making it less frustrating; one little tiny bulge in the ground blocks fire, so it'd be nice to not waste bullets.

Line of sight issues are annoying, and slight bumps in the ground between yourself and the target can be hard to see unless you're looking at the right camera angle to spot them.  But line of sight issues are here to stay.

Add a laser designator - a simple red/green/blue/whatever dot that either impacts the ground between your robot and the targeted robot, or the targeted robot if there is no obstruction.

It could easily be a client-only thing, but it'd be helpful to the player who isn't looking from the right camera angle.  It doesn't have to be particularly big, only distinguishable.

Relandi wrote:

This has been easily avoided by hundreds of others, you seem to be the only one wanting it changed.

Just sayin' there are facets of gameplay with-in the game that allow you to adjust, and deal with said issue. No developer intervention is needed, this is a sandbox - not a game for hand holding.

There is no reason to limit "tags" when there's already a limit on amount of targets locked, pretty simple to me.

Really - if you add this, I'll just bring out my alt account and use both to tag. This will still be an issue, but now only the people who paid for spare accounts can abuse it.. seems like a *** option to me.

Also, the AI I spoke of, you clearly do not know about, because it happens regardless of "kiting" (lol, kiting..).

Again, heed your own words. You are not everyone.

How many topics are in this forum?  Not many.  By your logic, hundreds are NOT wanting new features, since there are clearly far more people playing than the number of topics and posts in this forum.  Study logic sometime, would you?  These are terrible arguments.

Why do you enjoy this BRAND NEW SYSTEM so much?  It is a "faux restriction" that you first complained about me wanting.  It wasn't beta tested like this.  You should know that.  This is a new thing, and new things may have problems.  In this case, I feel that the problem is the number of tags allowed.  Devs intervened about the killstealing from the previous system by changing it to the current system, and if they agree with my point of view, this system will be changed as well.

The spawns as they are right now, are around 4-6 maximum NPCs at a location.  Two arkhes, if they were sufficiently speedy at locking, could keep it completely locked down.  However, one arkhe could keep it locked down pretty well with the time it takes to respawn NPCs.  This problem expands as you move up the ladder in bots - lights can do 3, so pairs can completely lock down 6.  And a single one can nearly lock down an entire spawn.   If the person is sufficiently fast enough at destroying npcs and fast at targeting, one light bot can completely lock down a smaller spawn - especially a Castel with its locking bonus.

Your alt account account would only be able to tag one bot as well.  Meaning two NPCs are tagged at a time.  However, one person - right now - can keep three NPCs permanently tagged in a single light bot by cycling weapons and primary target among the three maximum targets.  And if he's able to kill one NPC before the fourth one spawns, he completely locks down a small spawn.  Your dual-boxing approach would only be able to ensure two tags, if the system was limited to a single tag rather than as it is now.  Your point is completely wrong.

I know they run back at high speeds on occasion.  I was in beta too.   Communication breakdown does not mean you know something that I do not.  It's more pronounced when you kite them away from groups, and yes it does happen regardless of doing so.  Still, if it is intentional, it's definitely related to the devs wanting kiting to be more difficult.  Either way, it's not a targeting thing, that's an AI thing.  Make a topic about that.  That's what this forum is for.

Indeed, and not everyone reads/posts on the forums.

That's a false equivalency.  The assignment is something that someone needs to do within a certain period of time.  You don't have to farm whatever you're farming in any specific time frame.  You don't have to kite messy spawns in any specific time frame.

Being unable to out-target-lock a Castel while in a Yagel with level 5 in Advanced Target Locking and a Sensor Amplifier running is certainly something I can fix.... only by using a Castel.  So everyone in my squad would have to be in a Castel, otherwise they are useless.  And they need to have pretty good advanced targeting locking and a sensor amp and all this mess just to counter two guys abusing a new combat system. 

Yeah that's certainly not a lot of stuff just to counter two guys in Castels multi-tagging.  Before this very recent change, this never happened because the system was not based on tagging, as it is now.  Tagging is new, but it isn't perfect and it needs to be changed.  It would not matter if I am in a squad if none of us could out-target-lock these two farmers.  I spent points to avoid this issue as well.  But I balanced it with being able to destroy things.

Your only counterargument is essentially that I'm 'crying.'  I spent points to avoid this issue too, but I didn't start out as TM - instead, I went ICS. 

The bizarre AI you spoke about I know about.  You kite mobs out of a group to kill them.  Yippee? I know it happens while not in a squad, but this is an entirely separate issue from the tagging system being easily abused.

Which is better for the game - annoy and frustrate people who are trying to do assignments or cater to very, very specific issues that should be addressed in another way?  It's not just me that finds this problematic.  Don't assume you are everyone.

Relandi wrote:

I am NOT for placing faux restrictions on people that could be avoided by a) finding a different spot (you don't NEED to do that mission that 10 others are doing.) b) upping your locking or c) try again later..

This just seems like someone's upset and wants a superficial change to make it easier.

Nothing needs to be changed - bots/mechs have a limit on targets locked.

I also strongly agree with Alexanders point about solo farming.. higher tier mobs have a very bizzare AI structure .. and they like to sprint like they just stole something back to the middle of the group very often - causing agony for this "1 tag" method.

But they're not doing an assignment or they would leave after a few minutes.  No, they're farming loot or kernals for research. Bots and mechs have a limit on targets locked, but they can rather easily keep that many targets tagged while they slowly destroy them.

This is the fifth incident in 20 hours.

Two farmers at one spawn in Arkhes can lock it down due to the maximum spawned bots at a time.  It's worse in something bigger, or especially worse when they are using something like a Castel that further enhances their locking speed.  It took me 40 minutes with these same two jerks ( … agonly.jpg) farming kernals to finally finish my assignment.   Should have taken 5-10 minutes max.   I only ended up getting hits in when they were reloading more than one launcher - they would only shoot one launcher at a target at a time.

As for the bizarre AI structure, if you want to fight higher level enemies - do it in a squad.  This is an MMO.  Soloing difficult things by kiting them is your own damn risk.

Lege wrote:

Get a sensor and get more accelerated target locking. If that still doesn't work, get a second sensor. No one should be able to tap 2 mobs before you can tap one.

Yeah uhhh Castels target faster than Yagels, no matter what.

I have a sensor amp and Accelerated Target Locking 5.  But stupid farmers farming assignment spots screw people over this way: … agonly.jpg

I may be alone in this, and it's only a little bothersome to do, but the map coordinates via the Map icon shows where you last left the map.

Personally, I'd rather it center on my bot on opening.  I don't mean that the map should continue being centered as my bot moves around, only that when I open it, it starts where I am.

I tend to move around a lot between continents, hunting bargains and assignments, and it would be far less annoying if I didn't have to track down where I am when I open the map.

I'd be all for leaving an already open map looking at wherever it was - I just want it to center on me when opening it from it being closed.

The addition of the tagging system is really helpful most of the time.

However, it can be abused.  For example, today I ran into some abuse of this new feature:
Two players had been camping an area for some time, destroying a small spawn and farming things, probably in a squad.  I had an assignment at this location, or I would have avoided it.

When I arrived, three NPC bots spawned.  These players immediately targeted and fired upon spawning bots once to tag them.  They could then destroy the targets at their leisure, and I was left stuck with regard to completing the assignment.

When the dynamic spawning gets put in, the supply of NPCs issue is fixed.  However, this issue will not be.

As bots can only fire upon one target, despite how many they have locked, the tagging system should only tag ONE bot at a time.
If a new bot is fired upon - one that has no tag - the tag should be removed from the old tagged bot and applied to the newly tagged bot.
Otherwise, the tag should stay on the old bot.

Last kill was a bad idea, and it's good that it's first come & first serve now, but to be better, this needs to be limited in application.