Alexander wrote:

I think this has something to do with home location and not having one set.

If you have no home location set when you die you respawn to the last outpost or terminal you entered. Good find because this isn't working as I'd expect it to and if it's intended I'm not really a fan. I can sort of understand it but then it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I had my home set, so I'm not sure if that was part of the issue.  I also never died during this entire process.

After taking a non-delivery assignment, your assignment awards (ammo) are delivered to the last terminal you docked at, rather than the terminal you received the assignment.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Take any non-delivery assignment (Terminal A)

  • Undock

  • Go to another terminal (Terminal B)

  • Dock

  • Undock

  • Complete the assignment as usual


Current Behavior:
Ammo is delivered to Terminal B

Expected Behavior:
Ammo should be delivered to Terminal A

From a role playing perspective, instantly deleting your cargo in the middle of the land is not very role-play like.  If I'm driving a truck down the highway, and I want to destroy everything in my truck, it's going to take me some time to destroy everything.  I'd have to pull over and start whacking at things with a sledgehammer and setting things on fire.  Or blow everything up with a button, myself included.  Even then, some things might survive the explosion.

As far as "scuttling" on a ship to destroy cargo... I haven't found the boat-robots yet in this game, and I'm pretty sure this game takes place on land, not water.  Scuttling on land doesn't work very well, it's the equivalent of driving down the highway and throwing stuff out the window, a good amount of the stuff you chuck out the window will be recoverable, some of the equipment may need to be repaired, but if you start throwing raw materials like steel bars and wood planks out the window, pretty much all of it would be recoverable by just picking it up off the side of the road.

Jettisoning your cargo with a short timer is more realistic.  Make jettisoned cans not be password protected, FFA containers, with short timer (ie 5 minutes).  Maybe do something like equipment jettisoned is randomly damaged in the process (jettisoning is rough on the equipment!), materials remain intact.  It would at least be more realistic.

Destroying instantly in a station is fine, since it's likely that stations would have have incinerators which melt and burn everything you throw into it near-instantly.