(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

So how many Light Ewars should an Artemis be able to fend off assuming equal skill by all players?


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alexander wrote:

8 ewar killed an Artemis less than 10m from outpost entering range.

There will be much whining.

Forgive me as I am new and there is a big learning curve to this game but shouldn't 8 of just about anything be able to beat 1 of just about anything?


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Goddleyeke wrote:

Trollazilol is related to being a pill i can take to calm down. Representing i should have taken medication before posting.

my favorite part ....

and BTW yes, you should have haha...


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)


You rock!


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey Gang,

You guys have been helpful so far so I thought I would ask another noob question; what is the default crit for a weapon and is it different for each weapon?

I tried to locate this information and I failed sad


(18 replies, posted in Q & A)

so what is a turret laser/machine gun/mags?


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ahhh ok I get it now...

I told you guys I was new hmm

So my buddy gets in an Intakt and disables our target I then DPS from whatever DPS bot I come up with.

How are people getting solo killed by Intakts then? Do they slit their wrists in frustration or are they taking damage some other way?


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

thanks for the replies...

So what are Intakt generally fitted with for damage?


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

I am a new player and just had some simple questions about the Intakt. I see a lot of people complaining about the Intakt and I was wondering what people that play an Intakt are using for damge? Are they using Lasers? Everything I read about weapons say that Lasers are terrible is this not the case? Right now i just run around with 4 machine guns and do fine farming 1 star bots but I am sure everything changes in pvp. I am trying to gauge how I should spend some of my EP to avoid becoming prey to the Intakt.

Thanks Gang