Jelan wrote:

I'm all for casual guilds, they make the easiest victims so good luck yarr

Ah, you proof all my assumings and expectations, see? :>
Thank you for keeping my thread on top this you will surely say "yes, i knew you would need that top position in the subforum"....well...i'm excited roll

No, i just don't like big mouthed troll kids :>

As we figured out the last days, mission running or farming during regular times can be a pain in the butt when there are like 7 other people at the same spot, which probably results in farmers pissed off by mission runners and vice versa.

Here my suggestion:
There is usually enough room on the map....why no make a second spawn point of robots of the same type nearby, but they do not drop any Kernels....just for the mission runners?
I remember the Yagels from the last tutorial mission, they didn't drop any Kernels either, so there is no real reason to farm them.

The mission related robots could have some name addition, to mark them as mission related robots without Kernel drops (e.g. "Servant Filch M" instead of "Servant Filch").

I could imagine this is not only a temporary issue for release, because even with an bigger robot which would allow you to farm harder NPC's, it's still (or actually much more) easy money to farm those "low" spots.

Of course you could also raise the spawn rate, but this would be a disadvantage in return when it happens that you are the only one at the farm spot (late at n ight or early in the morning) and are surrounded an get ripped apart by surrounding NPC's^^

Good that i don't mind what some wannabe and selfdeclared pro people say or think. Stay in your own thread please :>

*pushing myself to the top like the others do with a senseless reply* .....

Unsere deutschsprachige Corporation hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt durch wissenschaftliche, industrielle und militärische Stärke eine vom freien Markt unabhängige Ökonomie aufzubauen und somit zum größten Teil selbstversorgend zu werden.
Daher sind bei uns alle Arten von Spielern willkommen, ob es nun Erzschürfer, Farmer, Kämpfer, Forscher oder Handwerker sind - für jeden gibt es etwas zu tun.
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