We're still actively seeking more US TZ players. East coast, West coast, it doesn't matter. Slowling down drastically on the EU recruitment since we have that covered pretty well. So if you're looking for a solid corporation give us a shout.

Find out information from one of our members in the "X23" channel.

We're looking to fill a lull in the -8 GMT part of the corporation. Anyone living on the West Coast like myself feel free to check us out. We offer great PvP opportunities, and industrial activities to participate in.

Join X-23 channel ingame and poke one of us.


(44 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I live in the PST (-8 GMT) time zone and the lag is extremely high on the weekends. I realize that it's probably due to more people being online. Once it gets into the evening hours and the EU TZ is sleeping the lag goes away.

Is anyone else  in the PST time zone experiencing the lag monster on the weekends like me? Are the Dev's aware of it? It makes the game relatively unplayable during the hours of massive lag sad

Even though I'm not even a week old in X-23, I feel joining this group of guys was the best move I made in PO. Not only is the clan knowledgeable about the game, the players are funny, easily approachable and are ignorant pricks. Kidding about the last part, haha...

Anyways, if you're looking for some PvP with a mighty industrial backbone look no further. But keep in mind, you get from the corp what you put into the corp.

I'm probably one of the few people these days that uses a trackball mouse still. The thing is ancient, but I love it and wouldn't trade it any day. I however have a major issue that's preventing me from using a simple yet important feature of the game.

I can't zoom in / zoom out of the map because my mouse does not have a scroll wheel. Please if at all possible make it so that we can map a new shortcut key for the map zoom function. I'd really like to be able to use my map!
