I sincerly hope that you (devs) decide to let the game mature BEFORE making decisions like nerfing this nerfing that blabla.... To all complainers get some more pvp-experience since there are plenty of ways to handle a roaming ewar group, like many have tried explaining in good detail.

Work together with your teammates (planning fittings/vent or ts/ knowing your terrain etc) will be enough to tackle most the game can throw at you, including the ow so dreaded ewar roaming packs.

And when more and more people get their extensions up and more advanced bots are out in the field, you will see ewar will be even less threathening.

And ffs stop being so Scared to lose your precious pixels man, everything is cheap as hell anyway.....

(edit: spelling)

regular light bots need some love to actually be viable in pvp, so my suggesting would be to improve their speed or something to counter ewar.

Nerfing ewar is not needed because they are fine as they are now. But the regular light bots just have no purpose atm (to slow/ want dps take an assault) So increasing their speed would atleast give them a role as a possible counter against ewar.