So far I've lost 4 Castels to disconnects while in combat over the past 3 days. 

I want my Castel back!  No more farming for nic to buy another one and outfit it.  I want it back.

These disconnects make combat impossible and even some kinds of just walking around.


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

welll.....I'm not the best combat person in the world on my main.  So naturally I pick on the weak and defenseless low level PvE bots.

3 times now since launch.

There I am in my well equipped Castel.  Been doing low level Bounty hunting for less than half an hour.   Killed a few.  Then one of them under half strength (no, it was the only one attacking me!) resets to full strength and proceeds to kill me, apparently in under 3 seconds.

I give up.  I ain't all that computer litrate but something about that part of the game just don't work for me.