(0 replies, posted in Selling Items)

I have 5 MK2 CTs for sale

PM me in game with a fair offer.......

Laird mk2 50/50
Laird mk2 50/50
Laird mk2 50/50
Riveler mk2 50/50
Symbiont mk2 25/25

After only playing for a few days there is a decent amount I like about the game. I think Annihilator said it best though, IMMERSION. That is what I am not feelign when I log in. I am another 5 or so year Eve player. I liked a lot about that game, oviously, but a hanfull of things turned me off and eventually pushed me away. I was, however, immersed when I logged in. Reading through all the posts in this thread I have been trying to put my finger on what it was, but I am not quite getting it.

I do feel that , from my very limited exposure to the game, goals might be one way to get a grip on my immersion dilema. I know that when I log on, I am be-bopping about in a cool looking robot. I like the idea of it, I like the genre. But after all the years, I think I need more work done on the Devs' part on selling me why i am grinding out money. If I am going to spend money on something, give me a nudge at lest. I think after reading through a lot of the responses, I know I do not want a theme-park game. I like the sandbox idea. But it is a huge turnof when I read people that say, "It is up to you, be creative the game is what you make it." I want to log in after a long day of work, and some good healthy time with my kids and escape for a while, blow up someone in a cool looking robot, or be blown up, but I want some better background reasons why I am doing it. AmI fighting for a faction? Is there a force of good or evil and I am fighting for one of them ? Is it simply business and I am fighting for my corp to help hold or gain territory? Not sure, sell me on it.

I have about 9 days left or so. I do look forward to exploring more. I am without a game right now so I am hoping for something to catch my attention enough that my wife yells at me. This game is itching at me, and I hope whatever it is I am looking for is here in the game and I just have not seen it yet.

My compliments to the Devs on what I have seen so far though.