(2 replies, posted in Selling Items)



(2 replies, posted in Selling Items)

One brand new Zenith Mk2 CT 75% for sale.

Offers by PM or in game mail.

You want a system that is so restricted that people might as well just do NPC 'transport' missions. Player interactions in MMOs can only prosper if there is a risk vs reward component. You want to take the risk completely out of the equation.

As a new player I don't mind if I can only do small jobs that don't require a lot of collateral. As I progress through the bots and aquire money I can do better jobs. It's a sort of progression and allows for goals to be set - which is always a good thing IMHO.

In that-other-game the hauler also had to deposit a certain amount of currency set by the one creating the contract, which he got back on completion (collateral). Otherwise people would just pick up your parcels and never deliver them tongue

Regarding delivery: boxes to put stuff in for missions already exist. A PBS/Outpost could thus have a delivery box outside, where people could drop off mission parcels.

Edit: and if the hauler dies the parcel is lost or drops in his container. There has to be some risk element - the contractor looses his stuff, the hauler the collateral.


(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

Maybe some of the posts should be split of into the suggestions forum...

Why not introduce a leasing model: a researcher can lease individual products, categories or all his researched prototype templates to a corp. A sum (with zero being a possibility) per month could be negotiated, that could go from the corp funds to the agents wallet. The contract could be cancelled from either side but would otherwise remain active until the agent leaves the corp.
Inactives wouldn't hurt THAT much then, the agent would retain the prototypes himself.

The only downside I see is that it makes sense from a developer point of view to NOT want inactives to lease their prototypes to a corp as they need to earn real money somehow. Maybe charge the corp premium NIC for the prototypes of inactives (the extra tax going to nirvana, encouraging the corp to find an active prototyper to replace the inactive one).

It would also add incentives to prototyping as a viable profession...


(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

What happens when a corp disbands then? Or what does a researcher get out of it when he leaves/switches corp? Just being the research *** aka selling your soul to a corp would also suck...

How accurate are the market graphs in game? Looking at them it seems like one manufacturer can fill the demand of each product. With the obvious exception of consumables no more than a few units of about every piece of equipment switch owner via the market every day according to those graphs. Add the fact that there's usually only a small collection of modules that are actually used and you have a problem retaining (independent) manufacturers as there is simply no demand for their products.

As it boils down to agent numbers there's probably no easy solution to this problem though. Maybe PBS bring more player craftable stuff (like parts, which are then actually used to make PBS structures; more consumables like fuel or ammo for PBS; teleporter charges... whatever).

Right now I think the economy doesn't need more complexity (aka individual stats or more resources) but more depths (aka reasons to actually make stuff that's needed). I have the solo noob view though, so maybe it's just that there's no 'open' market but only internal markets in corps/alliances that work.

You could also buy game time via shatteredcrystal. Not sure if they offer a payment method that meets your requirements though.

I like the dynamic ore spawn idea as it adds opportunities for a new profession: prospector. That way even new players can be usefull to veteran organizations. Sure, it takes away convenience, but convenience leads to stagnation and stagnation means death tongue

Regarding TF I have a mixed gutt feeling. Part of me says 'yay, ultimate power, ultimate sandbox!'. But if a feature can be abused in MMOs it will be abused. People will probably do hillarious things that will have unforseen consequences. But I guess without trying we'll never know...
I'd be very conservative regarding restrictions at first though to see what happens. Loosening restrictions is always easier than tightening them.


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

If you look at the whitenoise avatar long enough you can see Cthulhu.

Errr... And good idea. The UI sometimes almost makes me drive into nasty spawns while scanning for artifacts (like 75% of my screen is filled with windows tongue ).


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Persistant walls with no maintenance cost come to my mind after reading all the recent threads about walls tongue

Works again after a server restart. Thanks for the quick response - us noobs need to fill our assignments tongue

Tharrn wrote:

I am trying to complete assignemnts, which worked fine pre-patch, but suddenly stuff like Ilmenite or the PL-variants no longer seem to spawn. I asked around in the Help channel and everyone seems to have the problem.

Everyone mining and in the help channel right now is then. Is it friday the 13th again already?

I am trying to complete assignemnts, which worked fine pre-patch, but suddenly stuff like Ilmenite or the PL-variants no longer seem to spawn. I asked around in the Help channel and everyone seems to have the problem.

Thanks for making me buy game time to reply here, Annihilator tongue In fact I would have subscribed anyways, and after learning that I still get my full 14 days there was no reason not to.

In my very noobish opinion manufacturing should be a viable profession, meaning someone dedicating to the task of building stuff to be blown up should be rewarded somehow. If my very noobish view is correct that's done in the form of mineral and time efficiency so far. That's good for a start.

Is there any limit to who can reverse engineer/prototype/manufacture what currently? I mean certain skill levels could be used to 'gate' the high end stuff, meaning hobby producers making ammo in their garage couldn't produce the most sophisticated tech, which would then be limited to those who spent EP on industry... or is that in place already? I am still trying to figure a lot of things out tongue


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for the warm welcome. That's actually what I like about budding communities smile

Annihilator wrote:

After countless Kernels reseaerched, everyone can craft everything and everything is the same

Well, but someone specializing in production will be more efficient, meaning he can undercut the 'hobby manufacturers' and still make some profit. In themepark MMOs crafting is done on the side, I hope it's a viable niche here that rewards dedication (EP wise).

Or is the economy to small and unstable still to support that? The markets sure do look rather empty... which I am seeing as opportunities so far (could also be the naivity of the noob tongue).


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have been playing for a mere two days now and want to give some first feedback. As a disclaimer I did play EVE Online in the past. My secret love has always been industry, but as I played right from launch I had enough skillpoints to also be good in the combat niches I specialized in. I was part of a small 0.0 alliance that basically had the only region open for the public running, and I turned away from EVE because the level of metagaming and foul play for the sake of winning (even when people would win by sheer numbers anyways) turned me off. Loosing our region wasn't a problem to me. Things like enemy players coming to our Teamspeak to sing and yell during combat ops was.

So, well, a lot of people seem to be complaining about Perp having a small comunity. Right now that doesn't bother me much. 2000 vs 2000 server crashfests were never my cup of tea. In addition you can earn a reputation in a smaller community more easily. From what I gather the economy has problems due to the player numbers, but I take the approach someone suggested on this board: we are the pioneers at the frontier. But to actually have an educated opinion I need to play longer first.

I love that I can actually manually move my little fellas around unlike in EVE. Great plus for me. I also love the graphics. Having played SWTOR, a 300 million dollar monster with low-res textures recently I really can't see any reason to complain in that department. Unlike other people I especially like the flora.

As I mentioned industry/crafting has always been my big love in MMOs. Unfortunately most games take a totally boring, casual approach of 'everyone can craft everything and everything is the same (plus crafted stuff is normally useless)'. The concept of reverse engineering, prototyping and manufacturing is great. The added layer of research via kernels is original and fun.
Probing for resources reminds me of Star Wars Galaxies (pre-CU), which was my all time favorite regarding crafting. From what I gather mineral positions are static - here I'd prefer that stuff spawns elsewhere after depletion to keep people (me) probing. Do plants actually seed and grow in new spots?

Today I tried artifact hunting, and that's really something that can keep me occupied for a long while I guess. The element of uncertainty what you'll find keeps me going.

What I don't like is the fact that assignments are static. Having to go to the exact same spot over and over again feels grindy. And that's a bad thing by default tongue

Can't say much about combat yet as my trusty Yagel with it's original crapfit(tm) isn't really any good for it. Same for PvP obviously.

Wall of text over - I just thought I'd add some positive feedback to this board or else interested players might think this is not even worth trying, which would be a shame. If you are sick of themepark MMOs that all just clone WoW anyways, give Perp a shot. I think it has a lot of potential, and if I am allowed one last time EVE comparison: that game started with a very small community, too, and people were prophesizing it's doom. Not everything always went smoothly there, but the fans and Devs stuck with it and made it a success. The original feature set of EVE wasn't great, and it took some years to grow to what it is now. I hope Perp gets that chance, too smile