(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kaldenines wrote:

You must leave! leave now while you still can yikes

Edit: you are not related to a certain Mongolia Jones are you?

Can't say that I am, this handle has been in use by myself for a while now.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

And we'll see how this game works out for me and my random play times.

So far I've enjoyed the game. there is without a doubt alot of potential, and it excites me to get in on a relatively young game. I'm taking it slowly though, hence the 1 month at a time subscription.

I enjoy sandbox games (like many Played Eve for years) and the element of PvP that goes with it, while I haven't tried any pvp yet (if you cant afford to loose it, you dont use it) so I've just been blowing up NPCs and doing missions while I build up my EP and NIC.

On that note, if you don't go the mining route (I'm combat build) and do not wish to pay for a 2nd account, it is alittle slow to get the NIC flowing, which really is fine I think , however the concern is with new players trying to make money via the  contracts or missions at the respective terminals. They get really repetitive and grindy. I can see this turning away new people as they get burnt out doing the exact same missions over and over again, just so they can get some money to drive some cooler bots and blow crap up, NPC or PC.
I dont really have a proper answer for this problem, but perhaps even just randomizing the mission way points would help fix it a bit? so you're not always going the same route/same spots every time you re-take the contract?

Aside from that, I'm rather excited to see where this game goes with the tera-forming and the player owned bases and such. The ability to build an empire and then have someone come through and smash it down is rather appealing to me in these sandbox type games,and if done right, could be very cool indeed.

I rather enjoy controlling my bot with the WSAD keys, as well as using line of sights and terrains, I think the harvesting system (from my limited experience) is a rather cool idea. The ability to plant crops and harvest them, is a neat feature, though defending your crops is another topic all together I'm sure. Mining from the tutorial missions (which I thought are done well and explains things fully), seems to be done well to me, scanning down fields is done right, however the need for all these mining charges is a bit weird but I understand why its done.

I dont have any experience in indy so I cant really comment on that.

With my limited experience of combat, I've enjoyed it alot, as I mentioned, terrian and LoS is a cool feature and using your own controls to move around is a plus. I do however find it a bit weird how the game is set up like rock paper scissors (Yellow beats blue which beats green which beats Yellow), I dont hate it, nor do I love it. However it IS cool how, yes this is the basis to the robots but it isnt set in stone. Enough skill and any bot can beat any other bot (and not just because player A has spent more EP into skills than player B) but by actual skill of the pilots themselves, using their terrain, LoS's and bots strong points to beat others.

Sorry for the ramble and horrible grammar, rather tired :)

See you on the inside.

A friend from another MMO told me about it and how it was similar to EvE which he knew I played.