I guess I am not looking at it from the perspective that we the game players would shape the development of Prepetuum.

Thanks for the comments, you have really given me something to consider.

Hi Arga, Acutally i started playing eve right after the Revlations expansion so carriers had already been apart of the game since the patch before. Sadly i think it was capitals that ruined eve so I dont care much to see them in this game, but if my only options are to join a corp and be a slave to someone elses plans to take over an outpost then as i said in my previous post I would rather enjoy my free time and spend my money on some other form of entertaiment.

I agree with everything said in this post, BUT.. you still havent given me a reason to spend ungodly amount of hours playing and spending atleast $20 dollars a month.

I played eve for over 6 years and only left when CCP fail to understand their own game smile what drove me to continue playing eve was the mystery and large projects such as TITAN or Supercarrier build. Owning 0.0 space with moon mining. SOv etc etc.

Perpetuum doesnt offer any of these large ideas / projects. The only thing to shoot for is controlling a outpost ... YA that sounds like fun ...

Anyways, Ill check in again in the future maybe there will be some additional content.

In the mean time ill enjoy my free time and money.

Love the idea of this game but the lack of general direction (pooly designed starting experience) and lack of end game content makes for a dull and boring gaming experience.

If you can provide me with multiple goals for industrial, pve and pvp then I might consider subbing but becuase of the lack of content its just not worth my time or money.

GOod luck hopefully the Devs will figure something else to increase the number soon.