Mr Starey wrote:

1 ) A corp sell/buy order screen. That way, if I'm producing T2+ gear and bots for corp, my corpies only have to look at one screen to see everything that's available, instead of having to trawl through all the guns and all the armour sections to find out if there's any of it left.*

This one actually exists, I think. It's in a drop down box on the left of the market screen somewhere. Can't remember the label.


(65 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'd like to add to M Piquet's comments that before I locked Danarchov to neutrals, I took the time to ask Lemon if he was now all moved out. He told me he was, and that all he had left in the outpost were a few modules "for hotswapping" that he wanted to remain there for the future.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Alright we talked about it some more and agreed that without any limits the system seems indeed overpowered. You may now herp some more asking how this could have happened, the truth is we are not perfect, deal with it cool

Our solution offer to the problem is to introduce a new CEO extension (around complexity 5-6), which will allow the corporation to control 1 probe per extension level. If this is in place, no other limitations should be needed.

Additionally we will also introduce another CEO extension (complexity 2-3) for the number of assignable users per probe. The base limit of 10 users will remain, and every level will add +3 users.

This sounds like an awful solution that solves nothing.

I can already see a way around it that leads straight back to the use of alt accounts. Except instead of each alt character watching one teleporter, each one will be in its own corp, with these skills trained, and its own bunch of invisible probes laid out.

I think the probes just need to be brought down to parity with alt scouts. Give them the sensor detection of an unboosted light bot, and the sensor masking of an unboosted light ewar bot. Let them be seen and destroyed.
Then it might not matter if people put them everywhere. They will still work as an early warning system, but not as near-permanent omniscience.

(Also: StateCorp says hi, Perpetuum!)