Ok, I am going to be a bit controversial.

#2, #3 + #4 I agree with.

However, I disagree on the first.  First of all just because 0.01 isk wars are the way things work on EvE, doesnt mean it has to be the case here - I know you didnt make this point but im just putting it out there anyway.  Do we really want the 0.01 isk wars of EvE?

Whilst it may be a hassle to have to re-do the entire order , remember that everyone else is burdened by the same risks.  If orders can be changed quickly and cheaply then the market is just ruled by whoever can stare at the market for longer than the other guy.

However, I have an alternative suggestion.

I think you should be able to modify existing orders quickly and easily as suggested.  But not without a cost.  Modifying an existing order should cost the transaction fee (or most of the transaction fee) each time. 
This will make it a viable market tactic to PROPERLY undercut.  Not by 0.01 NIC to see who has the most time to spend monitoring their orders, but by a larger margin to discourage competitors.

(Ok, just seen the last guy suggesting the same.. heh smile   )

Despite faster harvesting cycles, the older player couldnt deplete the plant without the new player getting a few cycles in. 

No way to avoid big corps harvesting in alpha islands.. however, once resources are depleted and scarce enough it will be worth their while to harvest on beta isles.  There will be a natural balance and I don't think newbies will ever be completely out-harvested because at the end of the day the older players will expect certain returns on their efforts.

Absolutely agree.  Although they should be under a completely separate section in the market and easily identified as needing repair.

I assume that new plants and ore types will be introduced to the game over time.  However, I just wanted to suggest that the distribution of these nodes is done in an uneven manner.

Now obviously rarer materials will be in higher yields on the PvP islands.. and some perhaps only on the PvP islands.  However, I wouldnt want this to be the only method of distribution.

If we take plants for example.  Lets say 3 new plants are introduced.  Low 'level' so they are available on the alpha islands.  But rather than just an equal distribution on each alpha island with higher yields on the beta PvP islands.  There should be some variety between the different alpha islands.  eg.  new plant 1 is abundant on alpha island 1, but not on the other two and so on.

This encourages trade of harvested materials between the alpha islands and adds new dimensions to the logistics of supply and demand for traders/industrialists. 

EvE had this to an extent.  Certain asteroids were more common in certain corners of low-sec space, but I always felt that this wasn't emphasised enough.  The transport of materials could become a big industry.

Hope this makes sense.

1. Tiak
2. Deolator
3. Puchu III