After reviewing the thread in this forum covering the recent EVE debacle, I'm guessing game-time only is probably the best idea for this program. Wouldn't want to start a slippery slope leading to P2W. ;-)

Thanks guys for posting the links... now I'm getting a clear idea of the sheer rage involved. :-)

The bonus I'm suggesting is of a very short duration actually.. something on the order of perhaps 12 hours for mining. The insurance policy on robots valid on one robot until first death. etc. ;-)

Which is why I do not feel it is game breaking at all.

Re: bribery... it is one thing to occasionally recommend a game, it is quite another to actively attempt to market it... and rewarding that effort makes perfectly sound business sense. Many games adopt this and reward players with in-game items that give a temporary bonus that in no way break the game in terms of abuse.

The community in the game is small, in about a weeks play I have yet to see the numbers online in general chat exceed 200, 160ish being prime, lows of 80 in weird hours. In this context, instituting an aggressive marketing program is not only good business sense, it should create a sense of urgency. Many aspects of the game as basically broken for lack of population to support key niches.

I would submit that offering a 12 hour mining reward is far less sandbox breaking than running multiple alts in terms of the actual power this affords a player -- I do not believe that can be questioned; and is logically an example of "paying" to gain an advantage. To offer rather obvious examples -- several nexus equipped robots supporting one combat robot farming NPCs; multiple mining accounts; etc.


(3 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Yeah, I was drawn to the economic side on day one. :-) Will be awhile before we can make high tier stuff, but starting out with ammo production...

And there is no abuse in running 8 or more alts at the same to gain an advantage as is fairly common now? :-)

I don't feel there'd be much of a problem in terms of abuse as it is based on new subscriptions. And if someone wants to refer himself to get a few items all to the good, more money to pay for advertisements on other sites..

I don't think any of the suggestions would break the economy thus far..

Another great idea, hadn't thought about the new changes coming. Any and all would work I think...


(3 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

We are a new Corporation dedicated to the mining/industrial/economic side of the game. If you dream of markets, production, and mass extraction this is the place for you.

We're small but growing, and we welcome new players. We have openings in all categories, contact anyone with the LUX tag for more info!

I'm suggesting a dual-reward system that is not just NIC, but something "usable" regardless of level and obsession with the game. For instance, a simple NIC reward would not be as appealing to me as a mining booster reward; particularly because I spend a lot of time mining...

Similarly I imagine that for a combat oriented player, the issue is not just the NIC to replace robot and mods, but also the time spent gathering everything -- the special insurance policy is a significant time saver.

My preference is in-game reward, but free GTC could be a higher tier option after X referrals.... neat idea..

Continuing the discussion in … -superman/, here a few ideas on how to flesh out this suggested program.

1. At signup, a unique url is assigned to each account, this becomes the referral code. For existing accounts, this url code is generated.

2. In the Perpetuum client, add a link in agent profile leading to a Referral Center on the Perp website showing number of referrals made, referral code, and rewards received/available.

3. In the Referral Center you can send referral emails directly that include your code, as well as copy/paste your unique URL for placement elsewhere.

4. Whenever someone clicks on the link and signs up, the database remembers who referred the player, and when the referred account redeems a GTC, the reward is issued to the referrer in game in the form of a special container placed in the home base private storage. An in-game mail should be generated notifying the player of a successful referral and reward.

Suggestion for reward tier system:

Tier 1. A given amount of NIC such as 2M, as well as one special item based on invested EP:

Heavily Industrial - Decoder, level weighed-random based on EP level invested (more EPs in the area, higher chance of a higher level decoder)

Heavily Combat Oriented - 2M NIC, and one 100% "full cover" insurance policy on robot, mods and cargo on that robot. Replacement with exactly the robot lost. Transferrable and sellable. Usable in addition to insurance limited by EP skill.. i.e., can have on standard policy and this reward regardless of EP investment.

Heavy Mining: 2M NIC, and a mining "booster" that doubles the available ore in the locked tile. Duration to be determined.

Balanced EP spending, random reward. :-)

For higher tiers, higher level rewards....

I would like to suggest that a local area chat be implemented, at a zone and immediate vicinity (2k or less). In part this would be good to have when the player base expands, but for immediate purposes it would be very useful in order to add NPC effect notifications and perhaps even some NPC dialog (I'd be happy to volunteer to write a pool of dialogue messages ;-)). This is more of an RPG kind of element, but I feel it would fit in pretty well in Perpetuum particularly given the effort to create an interesting backstory. Hearing the Nians speak for themselves would be quite cool. :-)

Adding another immersive element to the PvE interaction would be a boon I feel to those starting out and to everyone who enjoys PvE.

Very good post, I agree wholeheartedly. However, I would like to suggest to the developers that a Refer a Friend reward program should be implemented. For each subscriber referred, an ingame award. The exact nature of the reward can be fleshed out in more detail... possibly even with a tier system that increases the reward based on subscribers gained. Note: I'm not suggesting rewards for new trials, that could be abused too easily...

This has been hugely successful in games like Lord of Ultima.

It would be quite the win-win for the community and the company. Word of mouth is by far the most effective form of advertising; rewarding this should be very profitable. :-)

If people see a direct gain from essentially doing free marketing for the game, it is far likelier to happen...