(0 replies, posted in Bugs)


I can't make the scan results window any bigger than it shows from the first scan, i have tried clicking on the bottom right of the window but nothing happens. I can make al the other windows bigger or smaller but not the scan results one. Have tried docking and loging on and of but to no avail.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi Inda

My first pve game was earth and beyond, was a great game and made some good friends there, but EA bought it from westwood (the people who made command and conquer) and brought it to its knees, i played that for around 3 years i think. Never liked the fantasy games much as i prefer the sci fi games, tried wow etc but never got into them, also tried STO wasn't too bad. Also played eve for 6 years i know its more a pvp game but had some good corps while there and the missions although repetitive were fun in groups especially taking the newbs into lvl 4 missons.

The reason i have stayed here so long i think is i had a combat and industrial/miner account which supported each other quite well, i have built and sold stuff mined and sold minerals etc. In the begining there were more people to chat with and although i played in my own corp i chatted to people and helped a few out in missions and with stuff, i think the last 3 or 4 month i have really been on auto pilot doing, mining and ratting. I set myself some goals like mining 100 million units of ore and harvesting 50 million units of helioptris lol I also ventured onto beta and did a bit of ninja mining but it didnt give me the buzz i thought it might as the amount of people was dropping and the chance to be caught wasn't as high.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

So i went for a walk around new virginia and saw one person on my travels and 66 people in chat so maybe 100 people on all together. It kind of makes me sad, i really like this game and have been here from the start with 2 accounts, but i really think the game is failing.

The problem i see with games like this ( you might think very differently but this is my take on it ) is that pvp driven games just don't seem to work so well, you only have to look at all the pve games out there with game driven content, and missions are the order of the day, they are thriving. With millions of subs in some cases.

Even eve which has been going going for nearly 10 years never really took of like the others, if you look at the map there most players are in high sec and its always been like that, you cannot force people to go to low sec, or in this case onto beta no matter what the rewards are. We can have all the island you want to give us but it wont fetch more people in, and more people is what we need.

People dont want to lose there billion isk ships to other players when they are jumped and stand no chance, same here i dont want to lose my mk2 gropho and all its t4 kit to a fight where i am vastly out numbered and stand no chance, i can replace it many times over, but thats not the point. I don't mind losing mechs i have lost a few along the way but when i lost them i stood a chance of winning, but being jumped by 5 to 10 people and not being able to do anything but watch a mech die is not fun to me.

You will all comment about join a corp play with others and you are right i should and have done in other games, but I wanted to go alone for a while in here and have enjoyed myself with what i have done, but then again there is hardly anyone around to do that with now.

I want the game to survive but i have my doubts and i hope it does, but I think the game needs to have a lot bigger pve part to it and almost have pvp as a side line not the other way around, if you get people into the game with lots of story line features and missions then give the option to pvp i think more would come and try it out. As the game stands the missions really are terrible with no direction and the pvp side seems to have no goals.

This account runs out in a month or so and will still be loging in every now and then, my other run out in about 5 days and i am sorry to say i wont renew them. I will still read the forums and i hope things change and i wish the developers all the best for the future as this game has the potential to go far.

You may not agree with what i have said, and thats fine, these are just my views.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Have to agree with elric, i have 2 accounts one runs out in about 15 days and the other in about 40 days. I have been here since the game went live and i love the game but haven't loged on much in the last week and have found i haven't missed it.

I will still be reading the forums after my time runs out just like i keep reading the eve forums to see if things change and there is anything to tempt me back, i think they need to put a bit more into the pve side of it, and i think the islands need to be bigger to get more people onto one island.

Who knows where the game will go in the future, hopefully for the better then i will come back., as i can't do with fantasy  games like wow but there arn't too many games like perp about which is sad.

The new islands need to be 4 to 5 times bigger than they are now so that people can stake there place befor going to find others on the islands, the present ones are really too small. i dont think we need to have 12 or 24 new islands the same size they are now but 6 to 12 that are much bigger.

Devs have already spoken about spark teleporting to other terminals, http://blog.perpetuum-online.com/archive/2011/06/

Just want to give a big thank you to GM Synapse for replacing my lost ore.

Just tried to log in game again and i can't sad but not going anywhere, the little twat who is doing this wont make me leave.


Both mine got kicked, also couldn't get on the forums at one point.

Can you only put a ticket in from in game? as i just lost a load of trit.

I say no, lets not turn it into eve where you can only have dreads and carriers etc in low sec, everyone should be able to get any bot if they want it.


(9 replies, posted in Bugs)

Just got a scarab and took it out for a run, but when it stops it just drops to the floor and the landing legs dont come down and when it sets of again it doesn't rise like i would expect it to, it like one second its on the floor then the next its in the air.

Is there an issue with it? or is this only happening to me?


(0 replies, posted in Bugs)

when you have shields activated and you go either up ot down a hill the shield bubble no longet touches the floor, there is a gap between the floor and the bottom of the shield bubble. Why did they make it so it does this as its really annoying. I guess its not really a bug but wasn't sure where to comment on it.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

tried this myself, shows the correct info in the terminal but not outside, thr bonus is being applied though.

they are on the market so you can compare them like for like


(4 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

thanks, thats good just worked it out and it appeares to be adding instead of subtracting


(4 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

my symbiont appears to be lacking 55cpu or some modules have been altered to use more, i have been using this fit for the last few month but now it is short of cpu, i know some bonuses changed but i dont remember one affecting cpu, is this a bug or a kick up the arse?

one of the new bonus's states cpu usage gathering bonus is it a miss typed description, if not what does it mean? its also on the termis mk2

infact it might be on all the mk2 industry bots


(57 replies, posted in News and information)

this sounds great for the beta islands etc, but is there a link to what else there will be in the next expansion or is it all about the intrusion system?


(27 replies, posted in Bugs)

I still get this often aswell, i also still get the sound of a tree falling or a sound like glass shattering when i exit the terminls, which i thought had been fixed a while ago.

In all my time of artifact hunting i have had 5 heavy mech cortex from alpha islands. but only had a few assault and light ones over the last 5 or so days.


(40 replies, posted in Balancing)

I didnt think they had lowered the volume of helioptris but maybe i am wrong, when you look at it compared to triandlus which you can get something like 280k units in the cargo hold compared to helio which gets you around 84k it makes a big difference. I do look for the big patches to harvest but eventually you end up moving out of range of the can. Like i said even making it so you could get 168k would be a big help. I also do use a Lithus :-)


(40 replies, posted in Balancing)

Is there any chance we can get the volume of this lowered, like triandlus, as its taking me roughly a minute to fill the cargo on my Symbiont, and its getting really annoying having to go back to the can every minute, even if it was half the volume it is now would be better.



(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

there are loads of places to grow noralgis on alpha islands i have planted loads and not had one found yet and i plant them in groups of 9 at a time. there is no need for fertilizer, just go find an out of the way spot there are loads.


(2 replies, posted in Buying Items)

Is anyone able to supply me these? if so can you contact me in game with a mail.


Any news on a fix for this?