(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

yeah GM's and Devs will be checking everything before they let us in, and i totally agree on the server message


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

The hit rate is never determined by falloff, that only affects how much damage you do.

Hit chance is determined by the hit dispersion of your weapon (its spray size) vs the hit size of your target.  If the bot is larger than your dispersion you will hit 100%.

Missiles have a constant chance to miss regardless of bot size, but will do less damage if their size is smaller than the missiles explosion size.

LOS is a bit wonky currently, so shooting down hill can cause it to miss and hit the ground.

Sure i read in the help section of the game that if the mob is in the falloff range that hit rate wil be less.

but maybe not hehe


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

make sure you are within your weapons range, if the mob is within your falloff range then hit rate will be greatly decreased


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

also alongside whats already been said, joining a corporation ( player run) is a big help as it gives more reason behind the grind, such as gathering the materials for the corp.

haha pure genious, really funny good job ! lol


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Valkadesh wrote:

The point isn't "Do missions, get rep, do better missions". Right now, if anything, the goal for most people is "Do whatever it takes to amass better tech/secure corp island/dominate world" You're amassing resources. With a sandbox title, it's all how you look at it. If you want something more guided, that isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you're not really going to find it in a sandbox title.

Also, cut the guys some slack. Considering a team of, what, ten guys made this, and the game has been released for a grand total of four or so days, of course it needs work. That being said, it's *** phenomenal compared to some of the releases I've seen with larger groups/more funding. Give them the time and the resources, and things will improve.

i totally agree with this, its a game that requires time to mature economically and for wars to develop between corps in a month or so it will be a totally diffrent experience


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

it doesnt renew