(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

I have been thinking and wanted to put this to a vote. I was thinking that we could reset the ep balance while keeping everyone happy. While assets would be gone. Yes that does suck but with the new release of steam so many new players are going to leave because of the massive skill difference. Pvp also would flare back up because people wouldn't be as afraid of such a huge skill difference.

I would like to put this up to a vote. I want other peoples input to this. Me personally i have 550k ep. i know there are others out there with over a million if not more. Me personally i would be ok with starting off from scratch again to bring in the new era of perpetuum.

I also feel this would benefit Perpetuum as a whole for these reasons. 1. The playing field would be leveled out. 2. People would pvp so much more as the chance for equal losses would be greater. 3. The new players coming into the game wouldn't feel as there is no hope to even start playing. 4. It would allow for the economy to kick back into full gear. People would buy modules again. There would be buy orders for equipment. Kernals would be worth money again. 5. I feel that Perpetuum would also have a huge spike in activity. More people would be on. Aka more pvp, pve, and industry. I honestly feel if we were all willing to make a small sacrifice this game would gain a massive player base. People would play more, and that the game would be more fun for all. big_smile

Vets would start with 150k ep and start with MK2 assualtx2 and MK2 lights X3 of there chosen faction
new players would still start with the starting amount.

Thank you for reading and thank you for the inputs that will be put into this post. big_smile