(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:
Elric Melnibone wrote:
Snowstyle wrote:

If you want a PvP option to get your stuff back then maybe you should mine on the PvP islands.

So your telling me I shouldn't have the option to use a container in relative safety on the non-pvp islands...?

Yes, thats what we are saying.

Now, stop QQ and man up. You are allredy enjoying 100% free 100% safety from players, what more you need?

It's people like you that should be insta banned from these forums. You are nothing but a troll! And do more harm this game than good!

So stop trolling man! Try to actually contribute for a change.

The OP has a valid point. And needs to be adressed.

At least in EVE when someone tries to rob your container he gets flagged as a criminal and you can blow him to pieces, without any interference of CONCORD.

4 digits is a joke and too easily hacked. Will be in notime someone comes up with a macro for that, freely downloadable from anywhere.

If people's containers are getting constantly hacked and emptied with absolute no consequence and risk for the criminal. Then this game will die off real quick.
As people will simply stop bothering, get a bad taste from this game and quit.

If that is what you try to achieve here. Then you are already doing a good job here on the forums trolling away with pointless posts!


To come back to the OP. The solution is really easy. Put a timer between each attempt.

If you have to wait like say 30 seconds between each attempt. It will already pretty much kill any incentive to create and run a macro.

Such an easy solution. They can quickly and easily implement. Problem solved.

The simplest solution would be to just bind 20.000 "starter" EP to a character upon creation. Completely seperate from the time gained EP that is account based.

New players experiment in their first days and thus screw up in the first days.

Being able to trash your character and reroll a new character in those first few days is all that matters and would basically solve the biggest issue here.

So being able to create a new character with 20.000 "starter" EP will be much much better.

This way yo do not have to implement respecs and worry about possible abuse or anything like that.

Just my 2 cents.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hug wrote:

didn't read everything to be honest but basically it's down to this if you ask me..

eve has empire space for pvers..less profit there but you are safe.
0.0 is for pvpers and pvers that like to take more risk for more reward.

so that said in eve no matter if you live in empire, low sec or 0.0 you very much get to know which big conflict is going on where and it influences most aspects of the game.

so no matter what playstyle you chose you are involved or at least part of the (mostly) conflicts and pvp happening which makes the game world appealing to pvp and pvers alike - if a war is big enough you will even get involved if you are just a jita trader (eco pvp *yay).

exactly this is what makes eve successfull if you ask me and perpetuum has a similar approach as far as i can tell.
in wow or all those other themepark "cheeseburger" games (good comparison btw tongue) i don't really care what another server is up to, if someone does a first kill (which is bascially also pvepvp ^^) as this is meaningless to me - not so for the wow player and that's the difference, when i go and conquer an outpost with my alliance in perpetuum it's ours and not just a little note somewhere that we were there first. pvers taking a little risk will follow, others will stay safe..a place for every type.

this all will never work if you make it pve heaven everywhere as some want in here and wow up a game...yes PvE players commonly make up more of the sub base, so in eve, but they are there for that long period of time because of the conflict and therefor pvp happening around them which makes them feel to be part of the bigger picture and even a lot of pvers like to have more risk sometimes.

these kind of games don't attract the wow like pvers and therefor you also have a pve niche here and shouldn't mess up what is right.

I agree with you. Keep the Beta Isles as is. Nothing wrong with those.

What they need to do instead, is create more engaging story driven PVE content to draw in the PVE crowd and give them something interesting to do.

They have a great Lore / Back ground story.  Let them put that to use. Make the Factional Conflict show.

Endless repeatable "unimmersive storyless" missions (like EVE Online was at launch) is going to turn off PVE players and chase them away out of boredom.

So they have to come up with more creative story driven PVE missions. Wich give better rewards (depending on time and difficulty). Like EVE started doing since several years ago and is greatly expanding on.

As face it! Without the PVE crowd, enjoying themselves in great immersive, engaging PVE content. And mine and craft expensive bots and parts to sell in the process.

You PVP'ers will have nothing to buy and blow up. You will be driving around in "noob" bots for eternity.

Mechamind wrote:

I have purchased a 1 year account, I screwed up my character by choosing the wrong attributes and spending the 20k ep. There ISNT any warning about limiting 20k ep for the whole account, what am I supposed to do now?

Outch man! That hurts.

Luckily I only bought a 4 day trial first. I never buy a full game again if I don't have to. Been burned on new MMO's so many times now. That I try trials first.

This case I only lost 3 dollars and just created a new account.

But this all shouldn't be necessary.

I am actually very very suprised that this hasn't come up during beta?  Or were those people flamed to death by the vocal minority by bringing this up?  (wouldn't even suprise me to be honest)

This NEEDS to be looked into.

And like I said. Simple solution would be for them to change it so, that 20.000 "start" EP is bound to a created character.
So new players have the ability to try the game out and screw up without having to worry.

A game should be FUN! That is all that matters!

This how it works currently, is taking away a lot of the FUN for new players and WILL make them quit.

But that is just my 2 cents.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

BizzyBeast wrote:
RockSteady wrote:

seriously eh, but by the time you finished typing that up, i've created 2 email accounts.

For giggles I created 2 email accounts as quick as I could, 2 browsers.

Took me 1 minute and 48 seconds to create both of these email accounts AND post this reply.

You people don't get it.

First! It's totally stupid and unnecessary to tie an email adress to the game account.

Second! It's not about that it takes much time to create new email adresses. It's all the fuss at keeping up with multiple email adresses and maintaining them.

I already got multiple email adresses for work (which I cannot use for gaming). Then having to keep up with multiple email adresses for just gaming as well.

Thanks. But no thanks.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Zhyntil wrote:
Jerokane wrote:

I guess it must come as a shock to you that the vast majority of EVE players are so called PVE carebears hanging around in High Sec space (recent numbers showing that about 95% of the players are hanging around in High Sec Space).

CCP tried desperately to get more of their population to PVP by bringing PVP to High Sec space with Factional Warfare...... and failed.

0.0 space is vast and barren of players.  You got the occasional large PVP zerg now and then between big Alliances.
But mostly it's the ocasional pirate player trying to jump on the unaware noob exploring 0.0 space.

I have been involved in 0.0 space Alliance warfare myself and I found it absolutely boring as hell. They were just lagging zerg fests. That's it.
Not to mention that you could easily travel dozens and dozens of 0.0 systems without encountering a single soul.

I had more thrilling PVP experiences in low sec space, running into pirate players, then I ever had with those largscale Alliance zergfests, wich most of the time were nothing but hours and hours of "a sit and wait for something to happen" game.

High Sec space in EVE however is always crammed and crawling with players. Hundreds and hundreds in each system.

That's why CCP came up with Worm Holes to create more engaging PVE content and now keeps cranking out more and more diverse PVE content the past year or two. And will continue to do so.
And that's why they also work on Incarnia and release real player avatars.

Just face it. If we like it or not. PVP only players are the tiny minority in the big MMO scheme of things.
Most MMO players are just simply Carebears, or people like me, who like both PVE and PVP!

Most importantly, that without these so called PVE carebears, this game would die instantly, just like EVE Online would.
Or do you just want to fly / ride around in starter noob ships / bots all the time? As that would be the only thing available to you.


First, You or Wraith (or both) are making up numbers.....95% stay in high sec???? really????.....oh, and hundreds and hundreds of people in each system in high sec? What do you travel only to Jita in high sec?,
Making up numbers seem common in this thread, as i have said to others, use facts.

Second, i have said a few times that i am a carebear, not sure if you missed that or even read more than the last page or two (apologies if you did). My comments in the last page or two of this thread are in response to obviously BS numbers, claims, and assertions, stating that PvP players are an incredibly tiny percentage of the population of these games (i cannot say exactly how many, the number of PvPers in Perp has changed from .3 players to 3 or 4 in this thread, i lose count)and that PvP is a "problem" that games such as EvE and Perp needs to deal with so the real gamers (over 90%) in these games can play the way it should be.

Third, I totally agree with you about lowsec in EvE, lowsec is far more dangerous than nullsec, when making mad dashes hauling various merchandise i am on high adrenaline pushing through low, and relax  a bit (only a bit) by just dropping into null. What point all this has to do with the original discussion i do not know, other than to show i know what you mean......oh, and to ask, why are null sec alliance fights lag-fests? If very few were there then there would be no more lag than in the high sec systems that have hundreds of players in them.........oh, wait, it is because there are so many ships, so many people shooting, warping in/out, gating in, etc. that you often are dead for ten minutes before even finding out you died.......

Quit blowing your numbers out of proportion, i actually agree with much of your point, and even some of the OP's point, But both are so far out on the extremes that you hurt what you are trying to gain.

First. It was not an attack to you. I just quoted you for the sake of discussion.

Second. I didn't make those numbers up. A CCP developer himself did in one of his blogs some time ago. And why they suddenly spend conciderable more resources on creating new and more engaging PVE content.
As they finally draw their own conclusions that you can't force people to PVP (what they tried with Factional Warfare in High Sec). People either keep ignoring it or they quit.



(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's because your email adress is your accountname! Why in earth did they do that?

Really stupid. As I am running into this exact same problem.

I screwed up with my first character (and with no respec available), I am now forced to create a new account.

I am really not in the mood to create another mail account just for this. This is a turn off for me really. /sigh

Recognizer wrote:

Just giving every new created character the initial 20k EP and link it that that char alone, is maybe even a much better option, than providing respecs.

that "just" is just not possible. EP is gained account wide. The initial EP is not for your first agent, its on your account.

if the DEVs would give out 20K ep for every new agent, you would simply start with 60k EP
(three agents)
after 24h you delete two of them and spawn another batch of 40k EP. The 2880 EP Agent-delete penelaty would be a drop water on a hot stone.

Nothing is impossible. And I do not see any reason why they can't change it so, that they can assign 20k "starting" points tied and bound to each character. Completely seperate from the shared time accumalitive EP pool.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Zhyntil wrote:
CenDre wrote:

DIZI is the only one who is understanding what I have said.

Many of us understand DIZI and you, the thing people argue with you over is that you both think....

"I was able to play EVE despite it has same PvP problems" quoted from DIZI.

This is a PvP game, it does not have these "PvP problems" it is a feature of the game that is a big draw for many, as several people have said, this is a niche game, it and EvE cater to the more hardcore players that WANT that PvP experience.

You say; "Not a single PvP orient game out today has attracted more than a few thousand die hard pvpers. Where are those games now or will be soon. Broke and free to play."

EvE is quite successful, most reviewers compare many other semi-or full PvP games to EvE because it is successful. EvE has a higher retention rate than most other games, because so much of the content is player driven (which means mostly PvP and conflict driven). People have a hand in what happens and the game history rather than running scripted PvE instances, missions, and content over and over until they are mind-numb.
It does not have the numbers that WoW does, it never will, it WANTS to be in the niche it is in, Perpetuum is looking for a similar niche.
Do not even try to make the "WoW has it right, these companies should all try to be like WoW" argument either. You can get a cheeseburger at McDonalds, but there are other restaurants that sell cheeseburgers, not all should mimic McDonalds. McDonalds is not right for everyone, all the time, neither is WoW, and all the other generic will-inevitably-get-boring PvE games out there.

You and DIZI are coming into Mexican restaurant, demanding a 99 cent cheeseburger then you wonder why people tell you you are in the wrong place.

I guess it must come as a shock to you that the vast majority of EVE players are so called PVE carebears hanging around in High Sec space (recent numbers showing that about 95% of the players are hanging around in High Sec Space).

CCP tried desperately to get more of their population to PVP by bringing PVP to High Sec space with Factional Warfare...... and failed.

0.0 space is vast and barren of players.  You got the occasional large PVP zerg now and then between big Alliances.
But mostly it's the ocasional pirate player trying to jump on the unaware noob exploring 0.0 space.

I have been involved in 0.0 space Alliance warfare myself and I found it absolutely boring as hell. They were just lagging zerg fests. That's it.
Not to mention that you could easily travel dozens and dozens of 0.0 systems without encountering a single soul.

I had more thrilling PVP experiences in low sec space, running into pirate players, then I ever had with those largscale Alliance zergfests, wich most of the time were nothing but hours and hours of "a sit and wait for something to happen" game.

High Sec space in EVE however is always crammed and crawling with players. Hundreds and hundreds in each system.

That's why CCP came up with Worm Holes to create more engaging PVE content and now keeps cranking out more and more diverse PVE content the past year or two. And will continue to do so.
And that's why they also work on Incarnia and release real player avatars.

Just face it. If we like it or not. PVP only players are the tiny minority in the big MMO scheme of things.
Most MMO players are just simply Carebears, or people like me, who like both PVE and PVP!

Most importantly, that without these so called PVE carebears, this game would die instantly, just like EVE Online would.
Or do you just want to fly / ride around in starter noob ships / bots all the time? As that would be the only thing available to you.


A respec wouldn't even be necessary.

Everyone makes mistakes. So did I right now with my first char. I hate the chosen faction and want to reroll a completely different one.

I don't understand why each new created character can't get the initial 20k EP ? And that only time based EP is shared among characters per account.

This way you don't even need respecs. And sertainly helps new players and make it easier to just reroll when screwing up in their first days ingame.

Right now, I am pretty much forced to create a new account and buy again. Which shouldn't be necessary.
This is sertainly gonna put off potential new customers tho. As everyone makes mistakes.

Just my 2 cents.

I too didn't know about this and blew the first 20k on my first char I end up not liking at all. (want to roll a completely different faction)

I also believed that every new char you created at least get the initial 20k start EP. And that only time gained EP was shared among characters.

So count me in being dissapointed about this.

Luckily I started with the 4-day trial. So I can create a new account. Still it's really annoying having to create a new account, buy again. Just to correct a mistake like this.

This is sertainly gonna cost them potential customers tho. So I hope they will be able to look into this very soon. (as I understand fixing bugs is priority now, but so is this in my opinion).

Just giving every new created character the initial 20k EP and link it that that char alone, is maybe even a much better option, than providing respecs.

Just my 2 cents.