(15 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Annihilator wrote:

npc login trap for you!

Because of....?

- to have an own opinion / feeling about 0.01% of game content not beeing well implemented?

-  unworthy touching and heretically writing about the holy golden sheep of Perpetuum ( or at least 0.01% of it)?

Its so dreary and senseless....i can hardly believe that i made a post  (and even wrote replies).


(15 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

DEV Quodys wrote:

The current form of roaming 'Grand Observers' works exactly like this, appearing at a random place, random time and thus can cross an Agent's way.

Nothing to say against that, but the game mechanic behind it should have some kind of timer for movement, attacking and can be attacked after they spawned.

The way i experienced it, gives me the impression of an semiprofessional / not finished / not well-reasoned implementation.

An hour ago (about 23:45 this night) i had the problem, that a random roaming group just appeared next to me and within seconds my bot was down. There was absolutely nothing i could do against it (no fighting, no running). I was fighting the 3st Star blues there -> not afk or something like that.
I dont know if the just spawned there... or "lag appeared"...whatever but within the time i thought "aeh so many reds...what the f..."i was down and the work of weeks gone (Seth with a lot of T4 equipment). Yes..dont pilot something you cant afford to loose, but it shouldnt be ok when you cant do anything against it (no failure, no pvp kill, no afk and so on).

I can hardly believe that it is meant to work this way with the roaming spawns.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Probably thats why Norton has a prob with it......

*edit* link removed - DEV Zoom

r.exe Automatic Detection

WARNING!!! r.exe file is related to spyware. Your computer's security and privacy may be at risk. We recommend you run a scan of your computer to detect any spyware threats.


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)


can i get really hostile to a faction group A because of doing a lot of mission for the opposite side B or will my standing just drop down until i can do only the beginner missions to build up my faction for B?

-> Can you get KOS (kill on sight) to a faction group/company or denied to enter facilities or is it possible that you get no missions (even the lowest ones)?


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

That was fast...thx for the answer.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)


is there something like Salvaging in Eve?

Is saw some players in the newbie Zone that done something with the killed bots (few secs after killing there was some kind of beam between the player and the killed bot).