Ohh Lucian I did not remember you being so whiny. You guys run from equal numbers. We can start bringing equal numbers in lights with two guns and you would jump out too. We have asked Syn to start doing this so I guess we will see in the future a video of this. You and Merkle jumping out and the rest of your guys getting Prom/Castel to death.

"With 30 seconds in between jumps and a 3 minute warm up, you are never getting the majority of a fleet out safe with armored teles." At least Merkle will get away. That is what happens more times than not.

And if there is one thing M2S knows is exploits! Tell them Burial.

Yes, despair at the awe inspiring power of the arkhe.


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Give the ewar some love. 1 point of damage would not be noticed by anyone.