Ah, well the math works, but it seems odd that X% cycle reduction is really +X% yield a second, converted into reduced cycle time

let me put is this way, a 100% reduction in cycle time in theory should make the cycle time nothing, it is 100% reduced, however using "hungarian" math it's 1/2 the original time. Something that conflicts with my American Logic

The t3 medium miner module has a base cycle time of 11 second even
I have rank 4 of advanced robotics, granting a 20% bonus to cycle time ( I assume that means cycle time reduction?)
I also have rank 4 or basic intensive mining( granting 4%), and rank 2 of advanced intensive mining (also granting 4%)

this means my cycle time bonuses are 20%, 4% and 4%

Here is my math based on that info:

11 x .80 x.96 x.96 = ~8.11 seconds
Yet in game it says the cycle time of this module is 8.59 seconds?

Is the error in my math, my logic, or the game itself?