Its very true... auto correct is the devil

The arkhe thing really was just for in alpha islands situations, it doesn't matter about if i have seen large scale pvp or not, its just an example, i could have used the same example of i want to see only arkhes on the alpha islands and nothing larger.   The point was i would like more control over what is and is not on my landmarks list.

Neoxx wrote:

You can remove bot types, like Arkhes (drones, but also removes players in arkhes, but thats generally not a problem for most)

How do you mean on 'specific items'?  Like you can click on ANY info and selectively remove it?  How would you get those back if you want to see them again?

Saving setups would be decent, but I really dont know what you'd have different for certain situations, unless you like to block out the rest of the world when on a task.

You can remove corp/squad members.  Have you seen the "filter" tab on your landmarks window?

I would like to remove specific NPC types, and or Player types, Clearly anyone who ventured onto a beta island would want to have all Player Bots on their landmark list, that goes with out question.    Being able to do that on the alpha islands deselecting only "Drones" and "Practice Target" would clear up a bit of the landmark list.  Then that would go hand in hand with saving "Landmark Lists" where you could have one specific for Beta islands with only player bots and terminals, or an alpha list, where you could remove everything except the bot your going after in a mission or say travel mode, where all you want is the terminals and teleporters.   More or less suggesting it as a way to clear up the landmark list.  Yes i have seen the filters tab on the landmark list, but this would adding more options to that list.

Just so everyone is aware, i got the Error Declined (2) and then used the same exact card on Shattered Crystal and it worked under the regular visa payment.