The Problem is that there is not enough sand in that sandbox to build nice castles. The world if FAR to small and there is virtually NO long term content. Where is teraforming ? Where is POS ? Where are alliance features ? or features that allow to organize a big corp ?
We need more hangars and a better system to protect our assets. We need BIG areas that a corp can PROTECT and BUILD what they want. People will defend there land and fight over it but there is nothing to fight for at beta. And even IF you own a outpost what benefit has that ?
In EVE you can build up your space with money/ISK and get a reward ! You can build and upgrade an outpost and you can invest in the space and get better space.

I can understand that perpetuum has a very small DEV crew but you really need to push out some content or you will et into real trouble soon. The new hauler is fun and the hovercrafts look good but push them out. and then rework your fail intrusion2.0 patch and add REAL alliance features and POS so people have something to DO.

DEV Zoom wrote:

"Clockwork intrusions" are in no way enforced. Both defenders and attackers make their own choice to play the game like that, it's their decision to desperately win each and every intrusion, if they really feel this is needed for their goals.

To be honest and direct. I think this is your personal Incarna. You managed to drive virtually your hole population of the game away. There is and will be NO life on Beta if you keep thinking and acting that way. Intrusion 2.0 is a epic fail.
You have to create ALLIANCE !!! features first. It is not possible and for a game where at prime time 200 people are online you can not pull something like this. And you can not blame the people that pay for this game for the fact that there so little online.
You have to give the defender more options to act here. And i am not only talking about the SAP. It starts with the teleporter and who is on the island.

But since you managed to almost destroy this game for the most of just just keep going. CCP will thank you for this update.