(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

as this post already is way off topic.....

try not to get discouraged that you lack ep. It is very possible to be effective even as a week 1 player. yes you cant run mechs, but you can still fulfill a role in gangs.

Play around with fits, talk to you FCs etc. Part of the game is figuring out what role you can do

Dev ALF,
This is the first time I have seen you come up with logical ideas. Implement them soon!!!

Really like the proposal for the Seth. It would allow it to fill the primary tank role for groups with the resist change. Proposed turret height change obviously a benefit also.

Gropho change would allow it to sustain more damage over time; at the same time lower its ability to tank alpha strike, which i agree with. Why does the longest range bot have the best ability to tank alpha currently.