I agree, the combat missions need a rebalance, as they are not competitive with lvl1 couriers or other activities (pure ratting, for example).

I agree that the courier missions are have way better income for the new player than other activities (some people say artifact scanning is good, but I am not sure what the NIC/hour is).  Courier missions, as pointed out above, is that they are very consistent in the income, really easy to side-train into, have no competition, and are extremely boring.

I think that we all agree that no other mission up to an and including lvl2's (and lvl3's? I haven't done those) provides a similar income.  Other activities do, but not missions.  Therefore, the missions are not balanced well.  The only reason right now to do lvl2's is for standing gains.

I gave my alt Nav 6, Industrial robots 4, parallel assignments 4, with lots of EP still remaining from the initial 20k.  He easily pulls 1m from lvl1's in a LWF sequer.  From the profits I bought a T4 LWF and now it is bringing in even more.  But with the highways, a T4 is not really necessary.  You regularly arrive before the "molecular instability" runs out and have to wait.

My main is a week old and specced purely in combat, with no EP in unrelated areas.  I finally found the optimal spawn for me, that has my guns pretty much firing non-stop.  In a T3-guns, triple-tuning assault  bot I am now pulling in > 1m/hour (hard to judge how to value the dropped mods), if noone comes to contest the spawn.  I have no idea where the "easy 2 mil/hour" for a new character.  Maybe if  I was a month old or was in a Mech, but not right now.  While I get similar income (and finally have more fun), I am not getting standings.

So, something needs to be done about the courier missions or at least their balance against other missions.  If I was a game designer, I would try to make the payouts dynamic based on # of missions run.  But a simple tweak to the numbers might be ok, as well.

The current system is fine.

I believe that unlimited resets would go against the spirit of the game.  Both in terms of persistence and in terms of actions having consequences.  If you allow a few resets, there will always be people asking for one more free one.  If anything, the better suggestion is to not allow people to do resets until they have played for "x weeks". 

Misallocated EP is not the biggest problem, as it will become irrelevant over time (Personally, I saved myself 10k EP by a reset but I would have been fine without it).  The bigger issue is Attributes, because it is hard for a newbie to know how to focus properly.  For that reason, I like the 1 free reset that we have.


DEV Gargaj wrote:

PATCH ATTEMPT AT 2AM CEST (in about an hour)

May the Syndicate be with us.

Crossing fingers and hoping that will be it.