(2 replies, posted in Q & A)

Was playing with the Waspish mech and noticed what I see as a targeting bug.  Base lock time for the Waspish is 12.5 seconds.  With Accelerated Target Locking extension (-5% per level of extension) to level 4, the Waspish target lock should be 10.18 seconds but shows as 10.42 seconds.

Am I doing the math wrong or is there a bug in calculating the extension bonus?

12.5 seconds - 5% is 11.875 seconds. 

11.875 - 5% is 11.281. 

11.281 - 5% is 10.717. 

10.717 - 5% is 10.181 seconds.

Waspish is showing 10.42 second lock time at that instead of 10.18.

Thanks for your time.




(132 replies, posted in General discussion)

Beta/2003 vet here.  am looking for a replacement game if CCP does the SOE on us.  Perpetuum seems to be pretty good, was able to get into the game over the last few evenings.  I am still running the trial account as I figure out how things work.