DEV Zoom wrote:
Jack Jombardo wrote:

With ~200 subs till now and a month fee of ~9€ it's ~1800€/month for ~10 Devs PLUS GMs and whatever ... that's around 100€/month for each of them after you take Server/Band cost and all Pizas&Coffee they need for late night work.

Would even one of you EvE Vets work at 1:00 in the night for 100€/Month ??

I can't give you exact numbers but 200 subs is quite an understatement here. 200 concurrent players do not equal 200 subs.

Just sayin' smile

Aye, if this game is anything like EVE, serious players have 2-3 subscriptions, one for PVP, another for Industry, and and a third for stuff like hauling (in EVE, it would be a capital ship pilot).

Hey DEVs/GMs,

I appreciate the hell out of all the work you're doing to accommodate this mass exodus.  You've made a pretty awesome game, the lag issues suck but you've made considerations for us on that end.  Anyway, nobody should be bitter about this, since EP builds up even during downtime/epic lag.  Oh noes, I'm missing out on four hours of L1 mission grinding!  What ever will I do?