(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

I startes as T-M so Pelistal robots. Assuming I mostly run missions for them should I stay with these or develop another race of robots ? also some have another weapons slot plus their missile ones is there a consensus on the best secondary weapon for missile robots?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)


I created this character with T-M so will run missions for them and probably one of the other two, let the thrid one go. Is there anyreason to select one over another? Either ease of tsrgets or value?

I assume the Asian corp mostly shoots at the yellow robots, the Euro one at blue is this right?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

In Eve some corps factions really hated each other - if I did Amarr missions then Gallente would be a bit annoyed with me but Minmatar would really hate me. Is there any of this in Perp ? For example does either of the  other megas particularly hate it if I run missions for T-M  or do both of the others dislike it equally ?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

New to the game from Eve so forgive me if I get the terminolgy confused.

How much do standings/reputation with the main corps matter and how easy is it to gain or lose? Is it possible or practical to get high standings with 2 or more of the big 3 ? Are some of them more strongly opposed to each other than others ?