(13 replies, posted in Bugs)

I am having trouble with Pompadour III.  I completed all objectives except the destroying of 2nd star blinder within the red circle.

No 2nd star spawns within the circle boundaries or even near it to kite in.  I did verify that killing the 2nd star blinder elsewhere on the island didnt work.


(1 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

As I new player, friendly persons are giving me waypoints that I have passed on to other players as well.

I could offer several improvements. (My apologies if any have already been suggested).

1) Can folders help you organize spawns vs. mining vs. etc.
2) Can a checkbox be added to the left of the waypoint.. so that a user can select 10 waypoints to send and then click a button to send to a friend?
3) (Bonus feature) search feature on waypoints by name
4) (Super bonus feature) tags for waypoints that categorize for searches (islands, ore types, spawn levels, assignment corps, etcs.)

LOVE this game.  Just  contributing if others think it would be helpful.

When I am doing assignments, I transport for multiple assignments at the same time.  Rookie missions at the 3 main alpha terminals do not close when the deliver button is hit, like Level 1 missions do.

Not sure if that is intended.  It would be great if they did disappear.  I have to click all five of them and having to x to close the rookie one every time is an odd difference.

I love this game, and the developer involvement!  I only suggest this to make the game even better.  Thanks for any consideration.


Whether you are looking for PVP, PVE, or Industrial know how, this pair of corps Hydra/Morte brings a LOT to the table.  Great group of folks.

I was an EVE refugee, and Morte has made sticking around easily and fun.

Give it a try!