(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

The :bittervets: have accidentally the server.

As one of those :bittervets: I have to say I'm quite impressed how the devs are addressing this, supported by frequent posts, IRC updates and a positive attitude. Please don't hate us for this -- I for one am looking forward to getting to grips with this game.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kalsius Dakalsai wrote:


  • Encourages botting/powermining/grinding etc which can burn people out

Too true!


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

^^ stonedandinneedofmunchies - 6/10


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Another old ’05 bittervet signing in. I was / am Arrs Grazznic in EVE and seemed to be better out of the game than in -- I wrote the EON insider guides to Fleet Warfare, Gangs and Mission Running, the latter becoming the majority of the missions wiki. Been subbing my EVE account with isk bought PLEX, but really not happy with the recent turn of events and decided to look elsewhere for my gaming fix...

Managed to login late last night to create my spark (so at least I can participate in the forums!) but didn’t have time to run through the tutorials. So far this looks like an interesting game and premise, and I like the attitude of the devs, gms and players I’ve seen in the forums. I’ve subbed for 1 month to make sure I can participate fully, though I’ll see how the next weeks transpire before deciding to continue (and grabbing an alt) or not.

I have to admit I’m a little concerned with the impact NeX may have on PO, but then again in any sandbox game the majority of the content is player driven, so this could be a very interesting turn of events!

Looking forward to walking with you all   o7