(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

CenDre wrote:

YOU will note I have the word "VIEW" in there about 5 times

6 times, learn to count lol

Pre order bonus should've been this: 3 day headstart, nothing else. That's all there is to say, and it has to be fixed. In a game like this a 7 day headstart just doesn't work, thats to much, those 7 days + 20k ep makes it just, earm, sad? So lets balance it for the people who DISCOVERED this game after launch day?

Yeah I don't see a reason why devs shouldnt do this, it sure is appreciated by everyone ( except the one with a pre-order, who are very very very happy now because they are stronger then the rest ).

Palamedes wrote:

To say that a person has an advantage because he multiboxes is in my mind no reason not to do something...

If someone wants to fork over the cash to run multiple accounts, then so be it.. it's their money, and their right..  You on the other hand don't get to call foul because they are doing so..

You have the same opportunity to multibox that everyone else does and choose not to..

I have always liked the AI in a game thing..  But you want to intentionally give the AI limits..  For example, you can only input x number of commands per skill level.. or it only can execute one command per minute.. or can only hold so much cargo.. etc..

Mining probably should be more dangerous.. Right now the alpha islands are completely safe with regards to mining.. That would be fine if you could only get 3 or 4 main resources, but as it stands you can get all but one.. feh..

If you make the AI thing 100% programmable such that it's indistinguishable from a real person, then you've turned the game into "Automation Online" and everyone will be doing that, instead of playing..  That degrades the game play and puts a great deal of stress on the servers..

I like the AI thing, but it'd be tough to do..

That's like making a micro shop, with an item which increases ep gain rate by 500% for 10 bucks, people who don't want to put 10 bucks in this game are just left out. I can only afford 2 accounts a month, there are people who can afford 10 and they gain an HUGE increase over everyone else, that's why 90% of all games don't allow multiple accounts.


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

No work outfits?:O

yikes Someone call a mental institution please...


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alexadar wrote:

Yeah...nice story......it makes sence. You forgot to finish with the words:
And then, a small animal, wrapped chocolate in foil

If you want to bump into every robot in the game, be my guest. If 6 people surround you for fun so you can't escape, i'll laugh at you.

Comeon devs don't listen to the people who pre-ordered the game, they all say no to extra ep for the late starters because they think they are the only one on this world. The pre-order bonus was insane, to insane, 2 weeks double ep sounds great for the non-preorder guys.

Nipa wrote:

Programmable AI Robots - players with cretin skills will be able to use a Simple Programming In-Game Scripting Language (not C++ like, ya?) to program special bots to do all kinds of jobs automatically - i know this may sound useless, because players then won't play, AI will do stuff for them, but if you implement this the right way, with penalties this may work =]

Useless? This would change a big part of the game: all those semi-afk activities, such as mining, farming low level bots or chain-transport missions which are a non-negligible of the game economy. This would radically differentiate the gameplay from Eve, but would also make multi-account exponentially more powerful.

I would love this.

But, of course, the multi account issues kill the very idea, I guess.

Yay make multiboxing even more powerfull, like those guys who multibox don't have a huge increase in capabilities/income over the rest... Saw guy mining with 6 alts... Must be trillionair by now.

What about a small robot with like a 1u cargospace which you can program to go back to base, deposit its cargo, or take something from your inventory and transport it to you? ( mining charges, ammo or send some kernals back to base ). Ofcourse on a beta island it can get destroyed smile

Or mayby some automated geoscanning smile

I'd say ok the first 3, but the 4th suggestion..

I'd also say keep attributes, but give everyone a single free respec so they can try out lets say mining, but if they don't like it they can go combat. ( also include new attribute points on respec )

No the EP doesn't, but the headstart does.

What does that have to do with this darkwing?

I also think the pre-order bonus was way to big, people got to monopoly the market after release, more ep and more time to earn money.

Foo wrote:
DevilSlayerX wrote:
Foo wrote:

The NPC Attractor is an interesting idea, but would be exploited in that format.

I like it as a means to "tag" mission NPCs though. It essentially allows you to "mark" a certain number of mobs, up to the mission requirements. The "mark" could be a 2nd "tag" or it could be a new mechanic separate from combat tag. Suddenly, it's a good thing to have someone farming your mission area, because you can simply "mark" three mobs and let the kernel farmers keep going.

As long as the "mark" only affects you and your mission requirements, it's not exploitable.

The monsters which spawn will be marked only for you, other people can shoot em but you'll still get the loot. Like 2 mobs spawn, both green circle which means they will drop loot for you. After 5 minutes of non-combat they should just disappear.

I get it, I just don't like it.

I much prefer the idea of allowing both a combat tag and a mission tag (limited by the mission parameters) because it fixes a few issues at once. Kernel farmers can spend hours at your mission location and you can still get credit for the mission. Combat taggers get the loot. You get the mission credit and mission drop (if any).

Plus, I like logical reality point of view. You were hired to seek out and destroy 5 bots, then retrieve their data consoles. As long as your sensors record 5 bots being destroyed, and you return with the data consoles...you get paid.

I really don't understand what you mean... And on the realistic part, you got a device which attracts a certain amount of npc's which you got to kill, like a fake radar signal where they got to deploy or something? Right now it's not really realistic anyway, npc's coming out of nowhere just popping up...

You go to a mission location ( can be anywhere ), get within the circle on your radar, and activate the attractor. 2 npc's deploy next to you tagged for you ONLY, you kill them and get the loot + mission progress. Both are dead, 10 seconds later another 2 deploy also marked for you etc. Better then 20 people trying to kill the same mob 10x?

What are you going to do against lets say 10 enemies without something to soak up the damage? Someone who got aggro will die like instantly... I hope for you that it's not you lol Right now theres no way to tell who will get shot, sometimes you get lucky and you'll have one 1 shooting at you, but if you are unlucky you got 10 shooting at you, and that hurts if you are no equiped to tank lol. So if someone has a better idea i'd love to hear it.

Ragath wrote:

I hate the tank idea at all. It a artifact of some primitive game design.

Please, never ever try to do a tank tactic in real life battle.

In a real life battle those enemy robots will focus fire on 1 mech, right now it's just random so thats not a valid argument haha. Also there would be no way to tell who they are gonna shoot at, so everyone has to be a equiped to tank the whole enemy group, which is possible but insane.

It's the only valid way to do group battles.

Foo wrote:

The NPC Attractor is an interesting idea, but would be exploited in that format.

I like it as a means to "tag" mission NPCs though. It essentially allows you to "mark" a certain number of mobs, up to the mission requirements. The "mark" could be a 2nd "tag" or it could be a new mechanic separate from combat tag. Suddenly, it's a good thing to have someone farming your mission area, because you can simply "mark" three mobs and let the kernel farmers keep going.

As long as the "mark" only affects you and your mission requirements, it's not exploitable.

The monsters which spawn will be marked only for you, other people can shoot em but you'll still get the loot. Like 2 mobs spawn, both green circle which means they will drop loot for you. After 5 minutes of non-combat they should just disappear.

My suggestion was, one-time respec for 5$, i would sure do that smile

Hello everyone! Got loads of spare time while mining so I decided to brainstorm a bit, because the mission system we have right now, just doesn't work. I came up with some really interesting ideas, but most of them don't fit in the sandbox perspective.

My new system is based on a few new features, which I bet you guys ( and girls ) will like.
Tough this would change some things like the reputation system, as you won't be doing missions for subcorps anymore but megacorps only, but I bet someone can work something out so it stays the same way.

Feature 1, new assignment GUI.
I came up with the following: When you go to your assignment window within a terminal you can choose the following:

Solo - Squad - Corporation
Combat - Mining - Logistics
Level 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

You start with seeing only level 1, you'll unlock the rest depending on the reputation with the terminals megacorp. Let's say your total reputation is 1.0 then you unlock level 2, 2.0 = level 3 etc. Squad combat will just make the missions tougher depending on the amount of people in your squad ( WHOLE squad has to be in the terminal ). If you complete a squad mission everyone gets reputation, if you complete a corporation mission the corporation will get standings, the higher the standings your corporation has towards a megacorp the  higher level missions you'll unlock.

Feature 2, Tanks ( not the vehicles.. ).
To do some of the tough missions you'll need to assign tanks, you do this in the squad window by right clicking someone and assign tank. Tanks soak up damage, but how do they tank? They equip modules to get the highest resistances/effective hp against the npc's you are fighting. Enemy npc's will always shoot at the closest by tank WITHIN locking range, if there's no tank in locking range they'll proceed as normally. But ofcourse that doesn't count with electronic warfare npc's they can do their thingy on anyone.
So let's say there are 20 enemies surrounding you, you tell your tanks to split up so the 20 enemies will split their damage between them. Ofcourse you can use less tanks, just add in some remote repair robots to support them or add in some more e-war to put some ecm on enemies so they can't lock you tanks.

Edit: Mayby add a module which does this? Instead of assigning in squad, would be more realistic.

Feature 3, Npc Attractor.
Going to an area and kill 10 npc's while there are 20 people trying to get a lock doesn't work. So I came up with this: When you alone, or the leader of the squad accepts a mission then that person will get a npc attractor, this can be a  nuimqol attractor, or thelodica depending on the megacorporation. These attractors can only be used in certain marked areas, marked for your mission. You go to the mission site, alone or with a squad. When you are in the marked area you right click it and activate it, make sure you are ready for a fight! Npc's will start spawning around you ( within x meters, in easy missions they will spawn in a small group, higher level missions they will try and surround you. Which npc's depends on your mission, let's say you took a lvl 1 combat assignment then 2x 1st star halberdiers wil spawn, 10 seconds after those are dead 2x 1st star alchemists will spawn, this 5x so you have killed 10 mobs and your assignment is done. The npc's will drop loot only for  you, even if someone else kills them ( marked with green circle, just like it is now ) You can destroy your attractor at any time, this will stop enemies from spawning and will cancel your mission.

Feature 4, New assignements/missions.
The assignements right now are kinda boring, so lets spice them a bit to make them fun to do! ( and rewarding, which they are totally not right now ). You can only accept 1 mission at a time, you won't have time to do 2 anyway or you'll have 1 completed and the 2nd one out of time. ( refund points in the skill which allows you to do multiple missions? )

( Just examples, not actual numbers as they will need to be balanced )
Combat assignments:
Solo level 1: Survive 5 waves of enemies ( 2x 1st star light robots )
Solo level 5: Survive 5 waves of enemies ( 2x 3th star assault robots )
Solo level 10: Survive 5 waves of enemies ( 2x 2nd star heavy mech )

Squad level 1: Survive atleast 10 waves of enemies ( npc's depending on squad size )
Squad level 3: Survive atleast 10 waves of enemies, tank(s) required.
Squad level 5: Survive atleast 10 waves of enemies, tanks and e-war required.
Squad level 7: Survive atleast 10 waves of enemies, tanks, e-war and remote repair required.
Squad level 10: Survive atleast10 waves of enemies, tanks, e-war, remote repair and nexus modules required.
Imagine this, you've done 22 waves, you are the leader, will you destroy the attractor or do another wave, which might cause you to lose some mechs as it might be to hard for your squad but you'll get a better reward ( more loot, better mission reward ). And mayby add a highscore list, which shows level of mission, amount of people and max wave reached. ( like DevilSlayerx's managed to get to wave 16 on a level 3 mission with 10 people, but Struyk's squad managed to get to wave 15 with 6 people on a level 3 mission so that squad should be ranked higher ( mayby reward points depending on difficulity and squad size for the highscore list? ).

Corporation level 1 ( small corp ): Loot 100 1st star light robot kernals.
Corporation level 5 ( medium corp, weaker members do the light kernals, while stronger members do the assault kernals so everyone can do their share ): Loot 200 2nd star assault robot kernals, 100 1st star light kernals.
Corporation level 10: ( huge corp, assign groups ) Loot 100 2nd star heavy mech kernals, 100 3th star mech kernals, 200 3th star assault kernals, 200 2nd star light bot kernals ( within a day or something? )

Mining assignments:
Solo level 1 ( light mining bot ): Mine 50.000 titan within 10 minutes
Solo level 5: ( mining mech ) Mine 500.000 titan within 1 hour ( further away )
Solo level 10 ( heavy mining mech ):  Mine 1.000.000 titan within 1 hour ( even further )

Squad level 1: Mine x titan ( depending on squad size ) within 1 hour, npc's will randomly spawn to attack your miners so protect them at all cost.
Squad level 5: Mine x titan ( depending on squad size ) within 1 hour, npc's will randomly spawn to attack your miners so protect them at all cost. Tanks, e-war, and multiple miners needed.
Squad level 10: Mine x titan ( depending on squad size ) within 1 hour, npc's will randomly spawn to attack your miners so protect them at all cost. Tanks, e-war, remote repair, and many miners needed.

Corporation level 1 ( small corp ): Mine x titan, x hdt, x immentium within 2 hours.
Corporation level 5 ( medium corp ): Mine x titan, x hdt, x immentium, x stermonite within 2 hours. ( you'll have to assign groups, like group a mines titan, group b mines hdt, group c mines immentium etc. )
Corporation level 10 ( huge corp ): Mine x titan, x hdt, x immentium, x stermonite, within 2 hours. ( you'll have to assign groups consisting of miners and combat mechs. )

Logistics assignments:
Solo level 1 ( assault bot/mining bot ): Transport 6u from a to b
Solo level 5 ( sequer, 10 minutes trip ):  Transport 40u from a to b, and another 40u to c
Solo level 10 ( sequer, 20 minutes trip ): Transport 20u to b, 20u to c, 20u to d, 20u to e

Squad level 1 ( 1 sequer + few combat mechs ): Transport 60u from a to b, npc's will randomly spawn to try and stop you so bring combat mechs to protect the cargo.
Squad level 5 ( 2 sequers + multiple combat mechs ): Transport 120u from a to b, npc's will randomly spawn to try and stop you so bring combat mechs to protect the cargo.
Squad level 10 ( 4 sequers + many combat mechs ): transport 4x 60u from a to b.

Corporation level 1 ( 10+ squad ): Destroy a small convoy moving from a to b, secure the cargo and bring it back to the terminal
Corporation level 5 ( 20+ squad ): Destroy a medium convoy moving from a to b, secure the cargo and bring it back to the terminal
Corporation level 10 ( 40+ squad ): Destroy a huge convoy moving from a to b, secure the cargo and bring it back to the terminal

Ofcourse if you choose something squad combat assignment level 5 it doesn't mean that you have to do the same thing over and over, like sometimes you got to destroy a very strong mech ( high skillpoints, heavy tank ) which is supported by e-war and other mechs and sometimes you gotta fight trough waves of enemies ( npc attractor ).

Feature 5: Rewards
In my opinion rewards should be based on the time you will need to return to station and difficulity. Let's say you mine 500.000 titan ore an hour, and need 6 minutes to go back and forth from station, then i'd say add another 100.000 as reward so its actually worth it to walk back to the station instead of staying there to mine some more or to kill a few more npc's. Right now you gotta kill lets say 10 1st star light robots, you can kill these in about 5 minutes, they each drop a kernal worth 6k and what not else. You get 18.000 nic as reward, but its a 5 min round trip to go back to the terminal to get a new mission and back to the mission place.
So or you stay and in 5 minutes you get 60k in kernals, or you walk back to get a  new mission and go back to get another 18k as reward but that takes 5 minutes, you choose.

Now this is what I think it SHOULD be:
Let's say you had to mine 100.000 titan ore which would take about 20 minutes for you, you completed the mission and get the following:

25.000 titan ore
10 ( megacorporation ) tokens

Now to get another mission would take you 5 minutes ( to go back to terminal and back to a mission sight ), that's 1/4th of the 20 minutes, so 100.000/4 = 25.000 titan ore. And ofcourse you want missions to be rewarding ( otherwise people won't do them, they will just farm and farm and farm npc's ) so you add reputation and tokens.

You can trade these tokens for whatever you want, ammo, robots, ct's, equipment etc. Let's say you got a 100 from doing 10 missions, you trade these in for 5k udc slugs, or for a t2 light em laser depending on the tokens you got, nuimqol tokens trade for slugs and nuimqol equipment/ct's, while thelodica ones trade for laser mmo, and thelodica equipment.

I KNOW this system isn't flawless, but it's a huge improvement over the system we got now, belive me i'll be doing missions the whole time instead of farming the same 2nd star  assault bots the whole day ( even if the reward is lower! ).

Comments and suggestions are welcome!


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, good to know smile


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nice nice, would love to see something on the item which decreases your size to see if it's worth taking in pvp.

Like: what's the chance a heavy mech will hit an assault robot with 2x standard evasive manouvre ( -1.4m size ).